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Basildon Council Warm Home Guarantee Campaign to Protect Borough Pensioners this Winter
The council has allocated £100,000 to help 1,000 pensioner households with energy bills as community urged to come together to ensure pensioners receive vital support. Basildon Council is calling on the entire community to get involved and help ensure pensioners have access to these vital services. Together, we can make sure no one is left out in the cold this winter.
For more information on the Warm Home Guarantee and to access the Triage Form - Warm Home Guarantee
Budget Consultation 2025/26
Each year, the council must set a budget that balances spending on services with the resources available. We want to hear your views on how the council spends its money and how it might raise more money to pay for services and initiatives.
The information from this survey will be used to set the budget and council tax for 2025/26.
The consultation closes on Sunday 27 October 2024. Have your say - Budget Consultation 2025/26 (opens new window)
Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation
A new, borough-wide consultation has launched to seek residents' views on the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) and the deployment of the Community Safety Wardens.
The consultation will run for a period of 6 weeks, closing on 21 October 2024.
Have your say - Have Your Say Today - Community Safety - Commonplace (opens new window)
Are you ok? Support with the cost of living.
To find out information about support available, please visit: Support with the cost of living.
Subscribe to the weekly garden waste subscription service for 2024/2025.
Subscribe here: Garden Waste Subscription Service 2024/2025
To find out information about all your waste and recycling services, please visit: Waste and Recycling
Council Tax and Housing Benefits e-Services
Access your Council Tax or Housing Benefit account, check your balance, apply for a bill reduction, report changes in your circumstances and more.
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Leader of Basildon Council
The blog of Cllr Gavin Callaghan, Leader of Basildon Council.