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Health and safety at work

The health and safety pages published here aim to provide businesses, employees and members of the public with information, guidance and advice on all aspects of health and safety at work in the Basildon Borough.

Whether you are the owner or an employee of a business, or a member of the public affected by a work activity in Basildon, you should know that the Basildon Council's Health and Safety team will:

  • carry out inspections and use a range of other contacts to investigate businesses in the Borough in accordance with the Health and Safety Executive's priority risk rating system to ensure that they meet certain standards.
  • carry out investigations into complaints relating to workplaces in the Basildon Borough.
  • carry out investigations of reportable occupational diseases, accidents and dangerous occurrences at work to discover their causes and take appropriate action in accordance with national selection criteria.
  • provide advice to employers and employees on health and safety issues (see also downloadable advice leaflets )
  • where there is a serious risk of personal injury as a result of activities in a workplace, ensure that such activities are prohibited.
  • maintain public registers of premises where there are cooling towers and where radioactive substances are kept.
  • enforce the restrictions on opening hours relating to Sunday trading.

Health and Safety at Work - Regulation and Inspection

Routine health and safety inspections are not carried out, but the Council can respond to concerns raised about workplaces that are enforced by the Council e.g. offices, shops, warehouses. Some businesses e.g. factories are enforced by the Health and Safety Executive.

Health and Safety - Accident Reporting

Employers have a duty to report certain health and safety incidents and accidents to their Local Authority.

Health and Safety - Complaints and Accidents

We investigate complaints relating to dangerous working practices or unsatisfactory conditions at work, workplace safety & the Law.

Health and Safety - Outdoor Hospitality Safety Advice

Business owners and managers in the hospitality sector, particularly those who use outdoor areas to provide seating and entertainment for customers, need to stop and consider if you have or will be introducing unexpected dangers into the workplace that could pose a risk to colleagues and customers.