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Cookie Policy

How cookies are used on this website.

When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful and reliable. Where services are delivered on the Internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your device. These small files are known as cookies.

These pieces of information are used to improve services for you through, for example:

  • enabling a service to recognise your device so you don't have to give the same information several times during one task
  • measuring how many visitors are using the services of this website.

See the BBC Webwise (opens new window) website a good source of information about cookies.

Cookies set by

A cookie is used by our on-line payments system and is used to pass information to the Royal Bank of Scotland for the payment to take place. If you have cookies disabled for our site then you will not be able to make any payments.  See How to enable cookies for help to enable cookies on your device.

Cookies set by Third Parties:


Google Analytics sets cookies to help us accurately estimate the number of visitors to the website and volumes of usage. This is to ensure that the service is available when you want it and fast.

  • Name: _utma, typical content: randomly generated number, Expires: 2 years
  • Name: _utmb, typical content: randomly generated number, Expires: 30 minutes
  • Name: _utmc, typical content: randomly generated number, Expires: when user exits browser
  • Name: _utmz, typical content: randomly generated number + info on how the site was reached (e.g. directly or via a link, organic search or paid search), Expires: 6 months

For further details on the cookies set by Google Analytics, please refer to the Google Code Website (opens new window)


Purpose: some Google maps are embedded on Google uses cookies to manage locations and to provide web analytics in terms of the number of times a map has been viewed and/or shared.


Purpose: we provide links to "translate this page" for non English speakers to Google uses cookies to manage locations and to provide web analytics in terms of the number of times Google Translate has been used on a particular site or web page.

Domain: (Google)

Purpose: some YouTube videos are embedded on A YouTube cookie is used to provide web analytics in terms of the number of times a video has been watched and/or shared.

For more information on all the above Google cookies please read the Google Privacy Centre: Privacy Policy


No personal information is ever stored in cookies on this site.  For further information see our Privacy Notice.