Inclusion and Diversity - An LGBTQi+ Inclusive Employer
Basildon Council has a well established LGBTQi+ Staff Group which provides networking and social opportunities, support and partnership, information and events to its lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans staff members at all levels.
About the LGBTQi+ Staff Group

- gaining access to development opportunities
- creating and accessing support networks
- dealing with discrimination, if and/or when it occurs.
In addition, the LGBTQi+ Staff Group also encourages links to LGBTQi+ communities within the borough, giving them the opportunity to be involved with council LGBTQi+ initiatives within the wider local community.
LGBTQi+ Staff Group Aims and Objectives
- Facilitate the involvement of LGBTQi+ staff in consultations council policies.
- We work to keep LGBTQi+ issues on top of the equalities and policy agendas.
- If you have any ideas, feedback or suggestions we are always happy to listen and include them where appropriate.
- Provide a confidential Support Network for members and a safe environment in which concerns can be discussed and addressed;
- Staff members in need of support at work, or who are concerned about behaviour aimed at them, or which they have witnessed, are encouraged to contact the LGBTQi+ Staff Group in confidence about the matter, (see contact details at bottom of this page). The LGBTQi+ Staff Group are available to discuss any such issues or to offer advice in confidence.
- Increase awareness of LGBTQi+ cultures and issues among council employees and our borough.
- Build relationships between members, the council and communities in the borough through events, communications and joint work; we work closely with other LGBTQi+ groups, outside the borough to support community events, such as:
- IDAHOBIT ( International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia )
- World Aids Day
- Trans Gender Day of Remembrance
- Bi-Sexual Awareness Day
- Disability Awareness Week
- Black History Month, and many others. We are active supporters of, and maintain a strong presence in matters of, both Trans Pride and Pride in the borough
- We work with:
- the BAME (British. Black. Asian. Minority Ethnic) community,
- the Disability Forum
- the Women's Group
- and the Unions to jointly address issues that are of common interest to all.
- Keep members up to date through bulletins and staff communications.