Council Tax and Housing Benefits e-Services
Log into e-Services for a number of functions
Sign-up / Log in to Council Tax and Benefits e-Services
Applying for someone else?
If you're not the account holder, and you're applying on behalf of someone else, please don't log into e-Services. See here - Applying for Someone Else
Just moved in?
If you've just moved into the Basildon borough, you'll need to register for Council Tax. Do both at the same time - register for Council Tax plus sign up to e-Services to make managing your account(s) easier going forward. See here - Moving into the Borough
All your account details are secure, only you have access to change/view your details. Register today in a few clicks to;
- Easily find your account details for Council Tax, Housing Benefit and/or Business Rates
- Check your remaining balances
- Report a change in your circumstances
- Apply for a bill reduction or refund
- Upload documents effortlessly for any applications
- Activate paperless billing
See what our customers think of e-Services
Moving as many customers as possible to paperless billing supports our borough's ambitious plans to reduce our carbon footprint -
As well as helping the environment, paperless billing means your important Council Tax, Housing Benefit or Business Rates information is all available in e-Services to view.
If you need a copy of a document for an application, you can download a digital copy, which most organisations will prefer. If you do need a one-off print copy, we'll be happy to send you one - so you don't need to worry about not having a printer at home.
If you've not already signed up for Paperless Billing;
- Log in or sign up to e-Services
- Click 'Switch to Paperless'
If you don't see the 'Switch to Paperless' message, you have already switched.
However, if you wish to continue receiving paper bills (or in addition to electronic) please login to e-Services and visit the Tell Us quick link
Password Issues
Avoid using smart / automatically generated passwords as these often contain character combinations which are incompatible with e-Services. Passwords should be 6-12 characters long.
The password we provide is temporary and only works once. If it has expired / is not working and you need a new password, you can generate a new temporary password via e-Services and then you will need to change it after you first successfully log in, to something else.
When trying to set a new password, you need to enter the temporary password you are provided into the 'Current Password' box. You then enter a new chosen password beneath that.
Not received a new password yet?
If you have used the Forgotten Password link, please allow up to 2hrs for a new password to be received. Remember to check your junk items.
Forgotten / Unknown Username?
If you do not remember / know your username, click here and then select "Forgotten your username". Enter your email address and you will be sent your details.
Mobile Phone Number
e-Services is only compatible with UK mobile phone numbers. These are 11 digits long and start with an "07". If you are entering a non UK mobile number (i.e. a number that does not start 07), you cannot use e-Services unless you have an alternative mobile you can try.
Please check the full mobile number you have entered. A lot of the issues reported to us are because part of the mobile entered has been mistyped.
No longer have access to your original email address?
Re-register for e-Services using your current email address, and your Council Tax, Benefits or Business Rates account number which can be found on your bill.
Register for e-Services (opens new window)
Still need help?
If you are still experiencing difficulties, please email and we will help you.