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Basildon Council's Publication Scheme - Information we publish

The Publication Scheme - a catalogue of information currently published and available to the general public.

Please check the publication scheme for the information you are after before making a formal Freedom of Information request

The Freedom of Information Act received Royal Assent in November 2000 and places a duty on local authorities to submit a publication scheme for approval by the Information Commissioner.

The Council's publication scheme has received approval from the Information Commissioner and sets out the classes of information which we currently publish or intend to publish, where it can be obtained from, in what format and whether there is a charge for the information.

The scheme is ever evolving and will be continually updated and amended to maintain its relevance.

Basildon Council Publication Scheme

Information currently available to the general public and published under the following categories:

Who we are and what we doFormatLink to information
ConstitutionElectronicOur Constitution and the way we work
Council Political StructureElectronicPolitical Structure and Decision Making
Council meetings - minutes, agendas, reports and audio recordingsElectronicCouncil meetings - minutes, agendas, reports
Currently elected Councillors and their contact detailsElectronicDistrict councillors
Council Location DetailsElectronicContact Basildon Council
What's newElectronicDecision making - what's new
Forward plansElectronicForward plans
Election resultsElectronicView All Election Results
Ward names and informationElectronicYour councillors by ward



What we spend and how we spendFormatLink to information
Medium Term Financial Strategy
The Council's Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) sets out how the overall financial objectives underpin the Council's Corporate Plan. The strategy includes a summary of the national financial context together with key financial principles affecting the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and Capital budgets. The MTFS is approved by Cabinet each year as part of the budget setting process.

Treasury Management Strategy
Treasury management is a key element of the Council's overall financial management arrangements. It relates to the Council's borrowing and investment activities and the effective management of the associated risks. These activities are strictly regulated and Full Council must annually approve a strategy for the expected treasury management activity in the forthcoming financial year. The Treasury Management Strategy is published as a part of the annual Budget Report.

Medium Term Financial Strategy (opens new window)

This is the link to the most recent Budget Report which is published on the Council's website in February 2021 and includes the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

Capital & Investment Strategy 2021/2022 (opens new window)

This is the link to the most recent Capital and Investment Strategy published on the Council's website in February 2021 and includes the Treasury Management Strategy.

Financial Auditors ReportElectronicPerformance
Annual Financial ReportsElectronicAnnual Financial Reports
Council BudgetsElectronicCouncil Budgets
Payments to Suppliers over £500ElectronicPayments to Suppliers over £500 - Year 2022/23
Allowances paid under Member Allowance Scheme - Part 6 of the ConstitutionElectronic (Page 85)
Financial Regulations - Part 4 of the ConstitutionElectronic (Page 151)
Contract Procurement Rules - Part 5 of the Constitution (Codes and Protocols)Electronic (Page 257)
Local Land Charges Cost StatementElectronic Local Land Charges Cost Statement - October 2019 (PDF) [153KB] (opens new window)



What our priorities are and how we are doingFormatLink to information
Corporate Plan 2019-2022 - Believe in BasildonElectronicCorporate Plan 2024-28
Local Development SchemeElectronicTimetable and Consultation Standards
Capital ProgrammeElectronicCouncil Budgets
Local Development Framework - Consultation IssuesElectronic
Economic Development StrategyElectronic Economic Development Strategy (PDF) [611KB] (opens new window)
Homelessness Strategy 2008 - 2013Electronic Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Prevention Strategy 2019-2024 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Housing Strategy 2018-2023Electronic Basildon Council - Housing Strategy 2018 - 2023 (PDF) [10MB] (opens new window)
Planning Services Annual Monitoring ReportsElectronicAuthority Monitoring Report
Basildon District Nature Conservation GuideElectronic Basildon District Nature Conservation Guide 2005 (PDF) [12MB] (opens new window)
Customer CharterElectronicCustomer Resolution Centre
Customer Charter - Operational servicesElectronicCustomer Resolution Centre
Safer Basildon Community Partnership Strategy 2018 - 2021Electronic Safer Basildon Partnership - Strategy 2018-2021 (PDF) [542KB] (opens new window)
Basildon Borough Local PlanElectronic
Statement of Community InvolvementElectronic Basildon Council - Statement of Community Involvement - July 2016 (PDF) [4MB] (opens new window)
Basildon Community Strategy 2012-2036Electronic Basildon Community Strategy 2012-2036 (PDF) [678KB] (opens new window)



How we make decisionsFormatLink to information
CommitteesElectronicBrowse committee meetings (all years)
Search Agendas. Reports, background papers and minutes of Council committees, sub-committeesElectronicSearch agendas. reports, background papers and minutes of Council committees and sub-committees
Timetable of Council MeetingsElectronicTimetable of Council Meetings



Our Policies and ProceduresFormatLink to information
Animal Welfare and LicensingElectronicLicence - Animals, Animal businesses
Animal Welfare Charter PolicyElectronic Animal Welfare Charter (PDF) [390KB] (opens new window)
Anti Money Laundering PolicyElectronic Anti Money Laundering Policy and Guidance (PDF) [520KB] (opens new window)
Anti-Social Behaviour PolicyElectronic Basildon Council - Anti-social Behaviour Policy 2017-2020 (PDF) [558KB] (opens new window)
CCTV PolicyElectronic CCTV Policy - October 2018 (PDF) [432KB] (opens new window)
Compliance with Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA)Electronic Compliance with Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) - April 2021 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Complaint ProceduresElectronic
Consultation and Engagement Policy 2021Electronic Consultation and Engagement Policy 2021 - 2024 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Corporate Energy Management Policy - November 2017Electronic Basildon Council - Corporate Energy Management Policy - November 2017 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Corporate Land  Inspection Policy - November 2016Electronic Corporate Land Inspection Policy - November 2016 (PDF) [717KB] (opens new window)
Counter Fraud Policy - July 2020Electronic Counter Fraud Policy - July 2020 (PDF) [566KB] (opens new window)
Data Protection PoliciesElectronicto be linked soon
Disabled Facilities Grant PolicyElectronic Disabled Facilities Grant Policy (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Essex Care Leavers and Council Tax PolicyElectronic Essex Care Leavers and Council Tax Policy 2020 (PDF) [434KB] (opens new window)
Equalities Impact AssessmentElectronicService Impact Assessments
Food Complaint PolicyElectronicReport a Food Hygiene/Contamination Problem
Gambling PolicyElectronic Basildon Council - Gambling Act 2005 - Final Statement of Policy 2019-2022 (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Health and SafetyElectronicHealth and safety at work
Health and Wellbeing Policy 2021Electronic Health and Wellbeing Policy 2021 (PDF) [532KB] (opens new window)
Housing Allocations SchemeElectronic
Inclusion and Diversity Policy 2021Electronic Inclusion and Diversity Policy 2021 (PDF) [759KB] (opens new window)
Information Management PolicyElectronic Basildon Council - Information Management Policy - December 2018 (PDF) [683KB] (opens new window)
Licensing Act 2003 Statement of Licensing PolicyElectronic Basildon Council - Licensing Act 2003 - Final Statement of Policy 2019-2024 (PDF) [2MB] (opens new window)
Local Government Service Pay BandsElectronic Local Government and Senior Officer Salary Scales – April 2019 (PDF) [553KB] (opens new window)
Minerals and Waste Development FrameworkElectronicMinerals and Waste Policy
Mobility Scooter PolicyElectronic Basildon Council - Mobility Scooter Policy - March 2014 (PDF) [85KB] (opens new window)
Pay PolicyElectronic Basildon Council - Pay Policy 2023 - 2024 (PDF) [2MB] (opens new window)
Persistent and Unreasonable Complainant ProcedureElectronic Persistent and Unreasonable Complainant Procedure (PDF) [130KB] (opens new window)
Planning Access - Building ControlElectronice-Planning - search and view planning applications and appeals
Regulatory Services Enforcement PolicyElectronic Regulatory Services Enforcement Policy (PDF) [1MB] (opens new window)
Rent Arrears Prevention and Recovery PolicyElectronic Basildon Council - Rent Arrears Prevention and Recovery Policy 2017-2020 - November 2017 (PDF) [562KB] (opens new window)
Risk Management PolicyElectronic Basildon Council - Risk Management Policy 2020-2021 (PDF) [697KB] (opens new window)
Safeguarding PolicyElectronicSafeguarding Policy
Scrap Metal Dealers Licensing PolicyElectronic Scrap Metal Dealers - Licensing Policy 2019-2024 (PDF) [645KB] (opens new window)
Sex Establishment Licensing PolicyElectronic Sex Establishment Licensing Policy 2019-2024 (PDF) [882KB] (opens new window)
Strengthening Communities PolicyElectronic Strengthening Communities Policy (PDF) [391KB] (opens new window)
Tenancy PolicyElectronic
Whistle Blowing PolicyElectronicWhistleblowing



Lists and registersFormatLink to information
Commercial Property Register to be confirmed
Electoral Register Please telephone 01268 207959, by appointment only. Preferable viewing times are 10 - 12 am and 1400 - 1630 pm.
Greenhouse Gas EmissionsElectronic Basildon Council Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PDF) [19KB] (opens new window)
Home Energy Conservation - Further Report 2013Electronic Basildon Council - Home Energy Conservation - Further Report 2013 (PDF) [372KB] (opens new window)
Planning register to be confirmed
Persons deceased without leaving a will, spouse, civil partner or entitled relativesElectronic Persons deceased leaving no known relatives (PDF) [109KB] (opens new window)
Public Rights of WayElectronicPublic rights of way enforcement
Register of Disclosures by Members Please telephone 01268 207949, by appointment only. Preferable viewing times are 10 - 12 am and 1400 - 1630 pm.
Register of Gifts and Hospitality for Council Members Please telephone 01268 207949, viewing by appointment only. Preferable viewing times are 10 - 12 am and 1400 - 1630 pm.
Register of Gifts and Hospitality for Council Officers  Please telephone 01268 207948, viewing by appointment only. Preferable viewing times are 10.00am - 12noon and 2.00pm - 4.30 pm
Register of Members Interest Please telephone 01268 207959, viewing by appointment only. Preferable viewing times are 10 - 12 am and 1400 - 1630 pm.
Register of Premises Licences to be confirmed
Register of Personal Licences to be confirmed
Residential Land Availability to be confirmed
Taxis Licences - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles to be confirmed