Basildon Council's Publication Scheme - Information we publish
The Publication Scheme - a catalogue of information currently published and available to the general public.
Please check the publication scheme for the information you are after before making a formal Freedom of Information request
The Freedom of Information Act received Royal Assent in November 2000 and places a duty on local authorities to submit a publication scheme for approval by the Information Commissioner.
The Council's publication scheme has received approval from the Information Commissioner and sets out the classes of information which we currently publish or intend to publish, where it can be obtained from, in what format and whether there is a charge for the information.
The scheme is ever evolving and will be continually updated and amended to maintain its relevance.
Basildon Council Publication Scheme
Information currently available to the general public and published under the following categories:
- Who we are and what we do
- What we spend and how we spend
- What our priorities are and how we are doing
- How we make decisions
- Our policies and procedures
- Lists and registers
- Services We Offer - Basildon Council Publication Scheme (PDF, 291 KB)(opens new window)
Who we are and what we do | Format | Link to information |
Constitution | Electronic | Our Constitution and the way we work |
Council Political Structure | Electronic | Political Structure and Decision Making |
Council meetings - minutes, agendas, reports and audio recordings | Electronic | Council meetings - minutes, agendas, reports |
Currently elected Councillors and their contact details | Electronic | District councillors |
Council Location Details | Electronic | |
What's new | Electronic | Decision making - what's new |
Forward plans | Electronic | Forward plans |
Election results | Electronic | View All Election Results |
Ward names and information | Electronic | Your councillors by ward |
What we spend and how we spend | Format | Link to information |
Medium Term Financial Strategy The Council's Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) sets out how the overall financial objectives underpin the Council's Corporate Plan. The strategy includes a summary of the national financial context together with key financial principles affecting the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and Capital budgets. The MTFS is approved by Cabinet each year as part of the budget setting process. Treasury Management Strategy Treasury management is a key element of the Council's overall financial management arrangements. It relates to the Council's borrowing and investment activities and the effective management of the associated risks. These activities are strictly regulated and Full Council must annually approve a strategy for the expected treasury management activity in the forthcoming financial year. The Treasury Management Strategy is published as a part of the annual Budget Report. | Electronic | Medium Term Financial Strategy (opens new window) This is the link to the most recent Budget Report which is published on the Council's website in February 2021 and includes the Medium Term Financial Strategy. Capital & Investment Strategy 2021/2022 (opens new window) This is the link to the most recent Capital and Investment Strategy published on the Council's website in February 2021 and includes the Treasury Management Strategy. |
Financial Auditors Report | Electronic | Performance |
Annual Financial Reports | Electronic | Annual Financial Reports |
Council Budgets | Electronic | Council Budgets |
Payments to Suppliers over £500 | Electronic | Payments to Suppliers over £500 - Year 2022/23 |
Allowances paid under Member Allowance Scheme - Part 6 of the Constitution | Electronic | (Page 85) |
Financial Regulations - Part 4 of the Constitution | Electronic | (Page 151) |
Contract Procurement Rules - Part 5 of the Constitution (Codes and Protocols) | Electronic | (Page 257) |
Local Land Charges Cost Statement | Electronic | Local Land Charges Cost Statement - October 2019 (PDF, 153 KB)(opens new window) |
What our priorities are and how we are doing | Format | Link to information |
Corporate Plan 2019-2022 - Believe in Basildon | Electronic | Corporate Plan 2025-29 |
Local Development Scheme | Electronic | Timetable and Consultation Standards |
Capital Programme | Electronic | Council Budgets |
Local Development Framework - Consultation Issues | Electronic | |
Economic Development Strategy | Electronic | Economic Development Strategy (PDF, 611 KB)(opens new window) |
Homelessness Strategy 2008 - 2013 | Electronic | Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Prevention Strategy 2019-2024 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window) |
Housing Strategy 2018-2023 | Electronic | Basildon Council - Housing Strategy 2018 - 2023 (PDF, 10 MB)(opens new window) |
Planning Services Annual Monitoring Reports | Electronic | Authority Monitoring Report |
Basildon District Nature Conservation Guide | Electronic | Basildon District Nature Conservation Guide 2005 (PDF, 12 MB)(opens new window) |
Customer Charter | Electronic | Customer Resolution Centre |
Customer Charter - Operational services | Electronic | Customer Resolution Centre |
Safer Basildon Community Partnership Strategy 2018 - 2021 | Electronic | Safer Basildon Partnership - Strategy 2018-2021 (PDF, 542 KB)(opens new window) |
Basildon Borough Local Plan | Electronic | |
Statement of Community Involvement | Electronic | Basildon Council - Statement of Community Involvement - July 2016 (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window) |
Basildon Community Strategy 2012-2036 | Electronic | Basildon Community Strategy 2012-2036 (PDF, 678 KB)(opens new window) |
How we make decisions | Format | Link to information |
Committees | Electronic | Browse committee meetings (all years) |
Search Agendas. Reports, background papers and minutes of Council committees, sub-committees | Electronic | Search agendas. reports, background papers and minutes of Council committees and sub-committees |
Timetable of Council Meetings | Electronic | Timetable of Council Meetings |
Lists and registers | Format | Link to information |
Commercial Property Register | to be confirmed | |
Electoral Register | Please telephone 01268 207959, by appointment only. Preferable viewing times are 10 - 12 am and 1400 - 1630 pm. | |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Electronic | Basildon Council Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PDF, 19 KB)(opens new window) |
Home Energy Conservation - Further Report 2013 | Electronic | Basildon Council - Home Energy Conservation - Further Report 2013 (PDF, 372 KB)(opens new window) |
Planning register | to be confirmed | |
Persons deceased without leaving a will, spouse, civil partner or entitled relatives | Electronic | Persons deceased leaving no known relatives (PDF, 109 KB)(opens new window) |
Public Rights of Way | Electronic | Public rights of way enforcement |
Register of Disclosures by Members | Please telephone 01268 207949, by appointment only. Preferable viewing times are 10 - 12 am and 1400 - 1630 pm. | |
Register of Gifts and Hospitality for Council Members | Please telephone 01268 207949, viewing by appointment only. Preferable viewing times are 10 - 12 am and 1400 - 1630 pm. | |
Register of Gifts and Hospitality for Council Officers | Please telephone 01268 207948, viewing by appointment only. Preferable viewing times are 10.00am - 12noon and 2.00pm - 4.30 pm | |
Register of Members Interest | Please telephone 01268 207959, viewing by appointment only. Preferable viewing times are 10 - 12 am and 1400 - 1630 pm. | |
Register of Premises Licences | to be confirmed | |
Register of Personal Licences | to be confirmed | |
Residential Land Availability | to be confirmed | |
Taxis Licences - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles | to be confirmed |