Basildon's Armed Forces Covenants
The purpose of the Armed Forces Covenants and the Civil Military Partnership Board is to encourage support for the Armed Forces Community working and residing in Basildon and to recognise and remember the sacrifices made by members of this Armed Forces Community.

The Armed Forces Community Covenant
An Armed Forces Community Covenant between the former Basildon Renaissance Partnership, the civilian community of Basildon and the armed forces community in the Basildon Borough.

The Armed Forces Corporate Covenant
The Armed Forces Corporate Covenant is a pledge that acknowledges and understands that those who serve, or who have served, in the armed forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect.

The Civil Military Partnership Board
The signing of the Armed Forces Community Covenant in 2012 quickly led to the establishment of the Basildon Borough Civil Military Partnership Board. The Board's primary aim is to fulfil the objectives of both of Basildon's armed forces covenants.