Single Resident Discount (SRD) Review
Basildon Council is currently conducting a review of all Council Tax Single Resident Discounts that have been awarded to residents who live alone.
Each year local authorities nationwide receive a high volume of applications for Single resident's discount. Sadly some of these applications are not genuine. Legislation exists which allows Council Tax cheats to be prosecuted in the same way that benefit cheats are; through the court system and made to pay back the money they owe. The purpose of this review is to ensure everyone who claims the discount is genuine and to help identify fraudulent claims among Council Tax payers who are attempting to cheat the system.
If you receive Single Resident Discount (SRD) review letter
You must respond to the letter by verifying online that you still live alone, and are therefore still entitled to continue receiving the Single Resident Discount. If you fail to provide a response, we will assume that your situation has changed and will remove your discount, effective from the last time we checked your eligibility which will be confirmed in your new bill.
Complete the Single Resident Discount (SRD) review online now
Please confirm your current details by clicking on the Single Resident's Discount Review link below. To access your form you will need to enter your unique PIN number. You can find this PIN number on the letter we have sent to you.
IMPORTANT - This form is only to be completed if you are already claiming Single Resident Discount and have received a Single Resident Discount (SRD) review letter.
- If you wish to make a new claim online for Single Resident Discount then see Claim a Council Tax Discount or Exemption.