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Services for older people

 A useful guide to services and advice for the over 50s.

These days people retire from their 50s onwards to take on new and exciting opportunities. This can lead to a significant change of lifestyle and there is a lot to be considered; pensions, benefits, holidays and pastimes, part-time and voluntary work and suchlike.

Eventually of course the onset of age slows us all down and keeps us closer to home. It is then that many of us need a little help, to adapt our homes or to get around and to stay active and in touch.

The information under the following headings should help inform you what's available to our very important older generation.



Services for the fifty plus generation provided by Basildon Council and local voluntary groups

Activity Centres for over 50s

Home Safety Checks for council tenants

Aids and Adaptations to Your Council Home

Home Security Checks for council tenants

Community Agents Essex - Supporting Independent Living (opens new window)

Luncheon clubs at day centres

Basildon Community Transport Services

Meals on Wheels Services (opens new window)

Disability Info & Advice Line (DIAL) (opens new window)

Senior Citizen Discounted Travel

TONIC - Toe Nail Cutting

Sheltered and Supported Housing


 If you become Infirm or disabled

A-Z of Benefits - Dept Work & Pensions (opens new window)

Retirement-Matters (opens new window)

Basildon Community Transport Services

Wheelchair Loan Service

Disability Info & Advice Line (DIAL) (opens new window)

Apply for Social Housing in the Basildon Borough

Disabled Car Parking Badges

TONIC - Toe Nail Cutting


 In Your Home and Housing Matters

Bogus doorstep callers

Home Safety Checks for council tenants

Tell us online - Council Tax - New Occupier and Change of Address Form

Junk Mail - How to stop it (opens new window)

Sheltered and Supported Housing

Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) and Nuisance

Telephone Sales - How to prevent them (opens new window)

Sheltered and Supported Housing


 Pensions, Benefits and Finance

GOV.UK - Expenses and benefits: A to Z (opens new window)

GOV.UK - National Insurance and tax after State Pension age (opens new window)

Citizens Advice (opens new window)

Retirement-Matters Online Advice (opens new window)

The Money Advice Service (opens new window)

GOV.UK - Working, jobs and pensions (opens new window)

Financial Times (opens new window)

Which Consumer Magazine (opens new window)


GOV.UK - Winter fuel payments (opens new window)


 Shopping and Travel

Basildon Community Transport Services

C2C - Rail Travel (opens new window)

Senior Citizen Discounted Travel

FIRST - Rail Travel (opens new window)

Disabled Parking Badges (opens new window)



 Holidays and Day Trips

Senior Citizen Discounted Travel

Basildon Community Transport Services

Activity Centres for over 50s



 Education, Training and Work

Adult Community Learning Essex (opens new window)

Basildon & Billericay University of the Third Age (U3A) (opens new window)

BBC Adult learners (opens new window)

GOV.UK - Universal Jobmatch (opens new window)


 Voluntary Work

Basildon Community Transport Services

Basildon Billericay & Wickford Community Volunteer Service (BBWCVS) - Volunteering in Basildon (opens new window)

St Luke's Hospice (opens new window)



 Fitness for the over 50s

Basildon Council sports centres

Basildon Council swimming pools


 Hobbies, Interests and Lifestyle

Activity Centres for over 50s

Retirement-Matters Online Advice (opens new window)


 Old Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen

Forces Reunited - Find old Forces pals (opens new window)

Veterans UK (opens new window)

Royal British Legion (opens new window)

RAF Association (opens new window)

Remembrance Travel (British Legion) (opens new window)

Royal Naval Association (opens new window)

Burma Star Association (opens new window)            

Merchant Navy Association (opens new window)