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In the news: Issues and Options Consultation launched to develop new Local Plan for Basildon

The Issues and Options Consultation is the council's first conversation with communities as part of the development of a new Local Plan for the borough.

The consultation launched Tuesday 27 June 2023 and will be open until 5 September 2023, representing a crucial phase in the development of a new Local Plan.

A Local Plan sets out policies and proposals in an area that address needs and opportunities for housing and employment, whilst ensuring that infrastructure is adequately provided for a growing population. It serves as a guiding framework, ensuring that growth and development occur in a sustainable manner, while preserving the unique character that defines the borough.

The Issues and Options Consultation explores a wide range of topics, including housing, employment, transportation, infrastructure, and environmental sustainability. It provides a platform for engagement, encouraging participation from residents, businesses, and community groups.

The Issues and Options document is available online via the council's dedicated consultation platform -

Councillor Richard Moore, Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning, Infrastructure and Planning Enforcement said "The Issues and Options Consultation is an important step in the council's work to develop a new Local Plan for Basildon borough, reflecting the needs and aspirations of our communities as they grow over the coming decades.

"We want to hear from as many people as possible on their thoughts, ideas, concerns and the issues that matter most. I encourage residents to actively engage with this process. Participants insights and views will guide the policies and strategies that will shape the future of Basildon Borough."

Reference copies will also be available at each of the Council's main deposit points:

  • Basildon Borough Council Offices: The Basildon Centre, St Martin's Square, Basildon, SS14 1DL.
  • Basildon Library: The Basildon Centre, St. Martin's Square, Basildon, SS14 1EE
  • Billericay Library: 143 High Street, Billericay, CM12 9AB.
  • Wickford Library: Market Road, Wickford, SS12 0AG

The council is consulting on the Issues and Options document until 5pm on Tuesday 5 September 2023. Once the consultation has closed, the council will consider all comments received and publish a Statement of Consultation report, providing a summary of the main issues.

More information on the consultation can be found on the engagement platform, or on the council's website -



Published 27 June 2023