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In the news: New location for Wickford Market to be secured

Wickford Market has been operating on the pedestrianised high street each Saturday since May 2021, with a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order that kept the high street car-free. It was hoped that this would become the permanent home following a formal consultation with local traders, residents and local bus companies.

Basildon Council is extremely disappointed that it could not secure permanent Saturday closure of the High Street following the receipt of objections from the local bus companies. Unfortunately, this could not be mitigated and means the market can no longer operate within the high street.

Wickford Market will take place on the high street as normal this Saturday, 17 June. It will then be based temporarily in Market Lane until a permanent location has been secured. Basildon Council is liaising with the market operator as a matter of urgency to find a suitable permanent location for the market to operate.

Cllr Craig Rimmer, Cabinet Member for Economic Stimulus and Tourism said: "We worked tirelessly to secure the future of Wickford Market in its rightful location, and are extremely frustrated to hear of these objections that have put the market at risk and forced us to permanently move location.

"I understand how popular and loved the market is by both residents and traders, and unfortunately it is against our will that this will be disrupted. We have moved quickly to secure a temporary location so that the market can continue trading and will endeavour to secure a permanent location for the market to operate in the future."

In a joint statement, Councillor Tony Ball and Councillor Malcolm Buckley, Essex County Councillors for Wickford, added: "Wickford Market is part of the town and is critical to the economic success of the High Street. We are disheartened that this has been challenged, and resulted in a new location needing to be secured. Despite today's news, we are pleased to see the market will continue trading as usual until a more permanent location has been agreed."

Councillor Derek Harrison, Chairman of Wickford Town Council said: "Wickford Market has operated within the high street for over two years, and I am hugely disappointed with the news of its future in this well-loved location. The market is a necessity for our town, and I am pleased we are already working to find a new location that will enable this vital function to continue."


Published 15 June 2023