Basildon 2030 - Getting involved in the Green Economy
Reducing emissions from the things we buy and sell by changing what we eat, how we use products and services, and by avoiding waste through prevention, recycling, and re-use.

The scale of the challenge
Consumption-based emissions include greenhouse gases emitted during the production of food, clothes, and textiles, as well as emissions from building infrastructure, aviation, private transport manufacturing, and the production of electronic equipment and household appliances. It is estimated that consumption-based emissions in Basildon are over 3.5 times higher than all the direct emissions combined (i.e., emissions from energy use and transport in the borough). Reducing our consumption-based emissions will therefore be an important part of getting to net-zero carbon.
By 2050, all individuals, businesses and organisations will need to reduce their carbon footprint to net-zero through lifestyle and product choices. This section of the Climate Strategy and Action Plan considers actions which reduce emissions from the things we buy and sell by changing what we eat, how we use products and services, and how we avoid waste through prevention, recycling, and re-use.
What you can do
Step 1 - Choose products and services which are low carbon and sustainable, and reduce waste
Reduce waste
There are carbon emissions associated with the production, transportation, and disposal of everything we buy. You can reduce your carbon footprint by keeping those resources in use for longer and reducing the amount of waste you generate.
- Say no to single use items and re-use.
- Care and repair for the things you buy to make them last longer.
- When you do generate waste, recycle all you can at home and on-the-go.
- Pass on unwanted items to friends and family, through swap events or via charity shops.
It takes a lot of energy and water to produce, package and transport the food we buy. Making a change to our diets is one of the simplest and most effective ways to lower our individual carbon footprint. It can also save us money and improve our health and wellbeing.
- Eat more plants and less meat and dairy - moving from a high-meat diet to a low-meat diet could reduce your dietary emissions by 35%.
- Eat seasonally and locally - look at the labels to find out where your food has come from, and how far it has travelled.
- Grow your own food - you can find out more about community gardening and keeping an allotment.
- Reduce food waste by planning and shopping smart, and storing food properly. As well as saving carbon, reducing food waste can save you money. If you do have excess food, consider donating to Basildon's local food bank. If it's past the point of being shared, make sure you compost.
For further information and also tips on how the choice of food you eat can help lower your carbon footprint visit:
- BBC - Calculate your favourite food and drink’s carbon footprint (opens new window)
- Eat Seasonably (opens new window)
- Love Food Hate Waste (opens new window)
- Let’s get #FOODSAVVY (opens new window)
- Basildon Foodbank (opens new window)
- Allotments
Clothes and textiles
11 million items of clothing go to landfill in the UK every week.
- Buy fewer, better quality clothes that you love.
- Re-use and repair your clothes - you can make clothes last longer by washing them with care and making small repairs.
- Share or swap your clothes - if your clothes are still wearable, give them to a charity shop or swap them at a clothes exchange event.
- Rent clothes - if you need an item of clothing for a one-off event or for the short term, consider renting it.
- Recycle - if your clothes have reached the end of their life, don't put them in with your general waste. Basildon Council will collect clothes and textiles for recycling on it's weekly kerbside recycling collections. All you have to do is put your unwanted clothes and textiles in their own pink recycling sack and attached a label marked 'TEXTILES'. Otherwise, we recommend you take your unwanted clothes and textiles to a recycling bank.
For further information and also tips on how changing the way you think about clothes and textiles can help lower our carbon footprint visit:
- Love Not Landfill (opens new window)
- Swop It Up (opens new window)
- Recycling bank locator
- Barleylands Recycling Centre
- Weekly recycling collections - textiles, clothing and shoes
Plastic pollution has lasting impacts on the environment.
- Carry reusable shopping bags
- Say no to flimsy plastic produce bags - use a reusable net bag to buy loose fruit and vegetables
- Avoid plastic-wrapped fruits and vegetables
- Avoid bottled water - drink tap water and carry a refillable bottle when out.
- Use re-usable cups when you're on-the-go.
- Try local markets or zero waste shops
- Recycle whenever you can
- Make full use of Basildon Council's weekly kerbside recycling collections.
Businesses and organisations
Businesses and organisations can also help to build a low carbon economy in Basildon, by:
- Working with their supply chains to reduce emissions.
- Providing local, sustainable, and healthy products.
- Minimising waste and single-use products.
- Avoiding investment in/ procuring companies which produce high emissions.
- Providing information on the carbon footprint of their products and services.
- Encouraging low carbon behaviour in their staff and clients.
Step 2 - Get involved in our upcoming Climate Action Group
The Green Economy upcoming sub-group will be looking at how we can reduce consumption-based emissions in Basildon.
Step 3 - Spread the word
In order to become a net-zero carbon borough, everyone working or living in Basildon is going to need to play their part. You can help spread the word to get your friends, family and co-workers thinking about how they can reduce their carbon footprint.
What we will do to support getting involved in the Green Economy
- Encourage sustainable consumption, waste reduction and low carbon behaviours via our climate communications.
- Support and deliver local initiatives which promote a low carbon economy
- Encourage waste reduction and recycling through our waste strategy.
- Encourage and support community action via our upcoming Climate Action Group.
- Encourage and support sustainable behaviours in businesses.
- Participate in county wide discussions to accelerate the transition to a low carbon economy and maximise opportunities to promote a green recovery from Covid-19.