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Safer Basildon Partnership - What we do

The Community Safety Partnership (CSP), known locally as the Safer Basildon Partnership, is a statutory body required by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to formulate a strategy to reduce crime and disorder, combat substance misuse and reduce re-offending.

Image shows the Safer Basildon Partnership Brand Logo
In Basildon the responsible authority group, known locally as the Partnership Board, all have a statutory responsibility to reduce crime and disorder, protect the community and help people feel safe:

Community Safety Partnerships (CSP's) do not replace the work of the Police or the day to day business of the organisations involved, instead they are seen as clear routes for agencies working together, delivering against agreed priorities, co-ordinating resources, achieving efficiencies and value for money.

In addition to the statutory partners there are a wide range of agencies and services we work with locally to deliver against the priorities. See the Safer Basildon Partnership Landscape below;

Decorative image showing Safer Basildon partnership landscape

The Safer Basildon Partnership Strategy 2022-2025

 Community Safety Strategy 2022-2025 (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window)

The Safer Basildon Partnership's three year strategy sets out how partners aim to improve the lives of residents by reducing crime and disorder, tackling anti-social behaviour and reducing re-offending.

Safer Basildon Partnership's vision is "Working together to make Basildon a Safer Place".

With ambitions to:

People - We want Basildon to be a place where people feel safe, where local communities are aware of abuse, harm and exploitation and are confident to raise their concerns with local agencies, preventing themselves and each other from becoming victims of crime.

Place - We want Basildon to offer a high quality of life for all residents through attractive, liveable, accessible, and safe neighbourhoods and towns and will work together to protect geographical locations where crime and anti-social behaviour occurs, using all available tools and powers to create community reassurance and reduce the fear of crime

Partnership Priorities

These priorities are based on the outcomes of public consultation, the annual strategic assessment of crime and anti-social behaviour, legislative requirements and the alignment of the strategy with other agencies priorities.

·       Reducing the impact of drugs on the local community

·       Protecting vulnerable people from abuse, harm and exploitation, in particular victims of domestic abuse and hate crime

·       Preventing serious violence

·       Improving the perception of community safety

·       Focusing on early intervention, engagement and raising awareness

·       Tackling re-offending through Integrated Offender Management

The partnership will adopt a range of approaches to focus its efforts on protecting people and safeguarding them from abuse, exploitation and harm. Particularly young people who are at risk of becoming involved in serious violence and drug related crime and those who are victims of domestic abuse, hate crime and violence against women and girls.

The partnership will work together to improve known hotspot locations and will provide a range of forums to share information on areas of concern in respect of known and perceived risk in the community.

Further information and enquiries

For further information and enquiries contact the Safer Basildon Partnership. See contact details below.

Safer Basildon Partnership