Requirements of The Mobile Homes Act 2013
Giving greater protection to occupiers of residential caravan and mobile homes on residential sites.
This piece of legislation has brought in a number of changes to the way in which sites are run and managed and is designed to give greater protection to occupiers of residential caravans and mobile homes.
The sale/gifting of park homes
From 26 may 2013 this legislation introduced changes to the sale/gifting of park homes and amendments to existing implied terms relating to the annual pitch fee review procedure on parks.
For further information on the changes introduced by the Mobile Homes Act 2013 see GOV.UK - Park Homes Information (opens new window).
Site Rules
The new Act requires site owners to review their site rules and remove any that are banned under the new legislation.
Each site owner will need to follow government guidance and put together a document that lists the new site rules.
The site owner is then required to hold a consultation of at least 28 days open to all residents and residents associations.
After the consultation the updated site rules must be sent to the Council for approval.
For further information to help site owners compile their Site Rules see GOV.UK - Park Homes Information (opens new window) (paragraph heading: Making site rules).
Basildon Council is required by Regulation 16 of The Mobile Homes (Site Rules) (England) Regulations 2014 to keep a register of site rules for protected sites , see Site Owners' Rules For Caravan And Park Homes In Basildon Borough.
Basildon Council does not control and is not liable for the content of any site rules, which are submitted to us by site owners.
The Rules become effective 21 days after they have been deposited with the Council.
Register of site licences
The Local Authority holds a public register of licensed sites , see Public Register of Licences and Registrations
The Leaseholder Advisory Service
The Government has also extended the role of the Leaseholder Advisory Service (LEASE) so that park home residents can contact them for help and advice. This will be particularly helpful for matters where the local Authority does not have a role, such as enforcement of site rules, pitch fees or the selling/gifting of park homes. See Leasehold Advisory Service (opens new window)