Local Housing Allowance
Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is not a discount, but a way of calculation how much Housing Benefit can be paid to someone who is considering privately renting. It's not something you can apply for, it will be considered when you apply for Housing Benefit.
Current Local Housing Allowance Rates - effective 01 April 2025
We look at the number of rooms that your household legally requires, against the amount of rent that the LHA permits. Your Housing Benefit will be based on this amount. Please note - if your rent is higher than the amount of LHA you're entitled to, you will need to pay the difference yourself.
- Shared Accommodation - £109.62
- 1 bedroom - £178.36
- 2 bedrooms - £218.63
- 3 bedrooms - £276.16
- 4 bedrooms - £345.21
How many rooms are required?
One room is allowed for:
- Every adult couple. (married or unmarried)
- Any other adult aged 16 or over.
- Up to two children under age 10 of either sex.
- Up to two children of the same sex aged under 16.
Shared Accommodation Rates
You may not get the standard rate of Local Housing Allowance if you share some or all of the facilities in a property. Shared facilities could be a living room, kitchen or bathroom. The shared accommodation rate of LHA may apply where:
- You are under 35 years of age and live alone, unless you would qualify for a severe disability premium.
- You are under 35 years of age and live alone, unless you were previously in care on your 16th birthday and are aged under 22.
- You have a bedroom of your own but share all or some of the facilities, such as a kitchen, bathroom etc. This also applies if you live in shared accommodation with your partner and do not have children.
Apply for Housing Benefit
For further information on Housing Benefit - including who is eligilbe and other available discounts please see: Housing Benefits