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Our Safe and Sound Estates Programme

We've committed to major investment in our estates across the borough to make them places you can be proud to call home.

Decorative image showing Pride Team working in Felmores
Decorative image showing Tree surgery in Felmores
Our Safe and Sound Estates Programme is supporting our ambitions to have healthy and active local communities, bringing opportunities for residents to get involved in this multi-million pound investment in the borough's estates.

It is improving our estates through works that will enhance the facilities and green spaces to better meet the needs of the community. The aim is for this long-term programme to bring economic benefits and increased opportunities for local residents.

Three estates will be in the first wave of activity: Felmores, Lee Chapel North, and Five Links.

Felmores is the first area as part of the programme, and since engagement with the residents at our estate imporvement events back in Summer 2022, a number of exciting projects have taken place: 

Tree Works

Residents fed back to us that trees were overgrown and required pruning across Felmores. Tree surgery started across the whole estate in October has continued since. The works so far have included clearing foliage away from lamp columns to improve street lighting, cutting away from properties to benefit guttering systems, roof tiles, and allowing more light into properties, cutting back walkways to improve accessibility around the estate, and just generally making the estate more tidy and attractive.

Dog waste bins 

Following feedback from residents, three new litter bins have already been installed and three new dog bins are about to be installed across the estate. 

Refuse and Rubbish

We are actively exploring ways in which communal waste areas can be improved  along with existing bin stores to individual properties after listening to residents. We will be trialling how existing bin sheds adjoining properties can be adapted or reconfigured and will engage with residents on these potential solutions as they are developed.  

Our Pride teams worked across Felmores during the summer completing works across the communal areas of the whole estate. Their work included de-weeding, trimming hedges, removing fly tipping, and giving the area a general clean.

Residents Group

We are looking for residents on the Felmores estate to get involved in our Safe and Sound programme by being part of our residents group.

We want to understand what further changes residents want to see, and to make sure any planned improvements are most suitable. If you want to find out more, please email our Resident Involvement team at: (opens new window)

Trust Links

Trust Links, a local mental health charity specialising in therapeutic gardening, is now actively working with residents to transform green spaces in Felmores.

These activities, focussed around 'greening' Basildon provide residents the chance to connect with eachother, take part in horticultural activities, as well as access wellbeing support from the expert Trust Links team.  To date residents have got involved with wildflower planting and creating raised beds.

If you are interested in getting involved in any activities then please contact Trust Links directly or speak to our Resident Involvement Team at: (opens new window)

Parking Areas

We are in discussions with the Highways Authority, Essex County Council, about exploring ways in which parking areas can be improved on Felmores, including opportunities for promoting active and sustainable forms of travel.

Achieve Thrive Flourish (ATF)

The Community Hub operates from Briscoe Primary School and helps with exploring options for practical support for communities, free counselling, signposting and referrals to agencies such as Citizen's advice, Department for Work and Pensions, Housing Benefit and other public sector services.