Licensing - Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Policy, Objectives and Enforcement
As the Licensing Authority for the borough, Basildon Council is responsible for the regulation of the sale and/or supply of alcohol and the provision of regulated entertainment and late night refreshment.
As the Licensing Authority, Basildon Council can issue or revoke each the following:
- Premises Licences
- Club Premises Certificates
- Temporary Event Notices
- Personal Licences.
Statement Of Licensing Policy
Basildon Council's Statement Of Licensing Policy sets out the conditions that apply when considering applications for Personal Licences, Premises Licences, Club Premises Certificates and Temporary Event Notices.
Licensing Objectives
The four licensing objectives are:
- The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
- Public Safety
- Prevention of Public Nuisance
- The Protection of Children from Harm.
Licensing Enforcement Protocol
The purpose of this protocol is to facilitate co-operation and co-ordination between enforcement agencies in pursuance of the Licensing Act 2003 and the partners' duty under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 to consider crime and disorder reduction in the exercise of all their functions. It will underpin the mutual operational support required to tackle licensing issues. It seeks to detail the role of each agency in promoting the licensing objectives.
Under the Licensing Act 2003, the licensing authority and the responsible authorities, as defined in the Act, are required to promote the following objectives, in relation to premises and people licensed under the Act:
- preventing crime and disorder
- protecting public safety
- preventing nuisance
- protecting children from harm.
Download: Basildon Council - Licensing Enforcement Protocol - Jan 2006 (PDF) [176KB] (opens new window)
The Licensing Authority
- Address
- The Licensing Authority
- Basildon Council
- The Basildon Centre
- St Martins Square
- Basildon, Essex
- SS14 1DL
- United Kingdom
- Telephone 01268 206925