Ask for our help
Quick Exit Button Basildon Council has a specialist Basildon Domestic Abuse Team available to support you. The team are all qualified IDVAs (Independent Domestic Violence Advocates) that can work with you in total confidence.
We are committed to protecting those, and their children, who are experiencing domestic abuse, so they can live in the borough without fear of harm, intimidation or abuse. This commitment is embedded within the Responding to Domestic Abuse policy, which sets out more explicitly Basildon Council's approach to supporting those affected by domestic abuse.
General Help and Advice
- Help and advice to find safe accommodation
- Money and welfare advice
- Help to access therapeutic and outreach support services
- Help you to remain safe in your home
Legal Support
- Help to access legal advice and assistance
- Protective orders
Contact Us
- Phone: 01268 206798
- Email:
Both our phone line and email inbox are monitored Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm. If you are in immediate danger then please dial 999.
Report to us discreetly at the Basildon Centre
J9 is an initiative to raise awareness and to help survivors of domestic abuse. The J9 Domestic Abuse initiative is named in memory of Janine Mundy who was killed by her estranged husband in June 2003 while he was on police bail. Janine was the mother of two young boys. The initiative was started by her family and the local police in Cambourne, Cornwall, where she lived. Janine used to sign her text messages J9, hence the name of this initiative.