Hate crime causes fear and confusion. Challenge it, Report it and Stop it.
If you are a victim of Hate Crime
If you are a victim of Hate Crime, it is important that you:
Recognise that it is happening to you.
Accept that you are not to blame.
Tell someone you trust and never be afraid to ask for help!
Don't suffer in silence - report hate crime.
You can report hate crime through any of the following agencies. When choosing from the following, the first thing to consider should be the urgency and seriousness of the problem you are facing.
Reporting Hate Crime in an emergency
Is your situation an emergency? - such as when a crime is in progress, a life is in danger, or violence is being used or threatened. If the answer is YES then...
Contact the Police using the 999 emergency number.
Reporting Hate Crime which is not yet an emergency but needs to be stopped.
In a non-emergency situation you can report hate crime through any of the following agencies which also offer support to victims of hate crime. Choose the one you feel best suits your particular circumstances.
Hate Crime - What it is and why you should report it
Hate Crime is generally considered to be where a person's prejudice against an identifiable group of people, (e.g. an Ethnic Minority or the Gay or Lesbian community ), is a factor in determining who it is they choose to be the victim of their criminal behaviour. In fact, to be a victim of Hate Crime, you do not have to be a member of any identifiable minority group or someone who is vulnerable. Anyone can be a potential victim of Hate Crime.
Hate crime can be motivated by prejudice about:
race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality or national origins, including prejudice against Gypsies and travellers
religion and belief, including faith
transgender or gender identity, transphobia, the resentment or fear of transgender people, transsexuals or transvestites
sexual orientation, homophobia, the resentment or fear of gay, lesbian and bisexual people
disability, including sensory, physical, mental impairment or learning difficulties
Hate crime can take many forms, including;
threatening behaviour
damage to property
inciting others to commit hate crimes
Hate crime causes fear and confusion. By reporting it you'll help the police understand the extent of hate crime in your local area and they can develop a better response. This may prevent these incidents from happening to someone else. Reporting makes a difference- to you, your friends, and community.
If you tell someone- such as a friend or family member- it gives you an opportunity to talk about what happened and decide what action to take.
You may want them to speak to the police on your behalf or you might decide to speak to the police anonymously. If the police are told what happened, it may help other people who could be affected by this type of crime.