Report a Change - Business Rates
It is important that you tell us immediately about any changes that might affect your Business Rates or you may end up paying more than you should.
Are you using e-Services yet?
Join businesses who are using e-Services to manage their Business Rates account. Report a change of circumstances from your secure account and be notified once your account is updated.
Register or sign into e-Services here
Change of Address
If a business moves into, or out of, a premises, you must let us know. The easiest way to tell us about a change of address is e-Services. However, if you're letting us know on behalf of someone else, please see the online form below.
Business Rates - Vacation and Occupation form (opens new window)
The above form should also be used for new Business Rate registrations, (e.g. for a new or existing business taking on a premises (or an additional premises) within Basildon Borough).
Change of Circumstances
You must inform us immediately of any significant change of circumstance relating to your business, such as:
- There has been a change contact details for your business premises
- The business has ceased trading
- Any other significant change of circumstance relating to your business which may affect your Business Rates.
The easiest way to tell us about a change of circumstances is e-Services. However, if you're letting us know on behalf of someone else, please see the online form below.
Business Rates - Change in Circumstances Form (opens new window)
Any changes not reported may result in you paying more Business Rates than you should.