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In the news: Councillors approve ambitious package of investments for 2024/25

New homes, healthcare facilities and investment in our high streets, as well as continued investment in local estates. Councillors have approved these and other investment proposals at a meeting of the Full Council on Thursday 22 February 2024, following provisional approval of the annual budget by the Cabinet on Thursday 8 February 2024.

Over the past 12 months we have continued to feel the impact of high inflation, causing everyday essentials - food, fuel, utilities and more - to cost much more than they did a year ago. Global challenges continue to impact supply chains and everyday lives for residents and businesses. The council is not immune to these challenges, enduring an increase in the cost of the critical services provided to local people. 

Despite the continued pressure of national and international financial challenges, Councillors have now approved a balanced budget for 2024/25 - a budget which minimises the impact on resident's wallets as far as possible without impacting critical services. This is, in part, due to the sound financial decisions taken in 2023/24 to generate significant cost savings which can be spent elsewhere.​

The approved budget includes an ambitious package of investment for 2024/25:​

  • £40 million investment into our estates to revive tired neighbourhoods, making them fit for life in the 21st Century and enabling communities to thrive.​​
  • A brand-new ambulance hub, continued support for a new Community Diagnostic Centre in Pitsea, and all-new healthcare facilities in Eastgate in Basildon: reducing wait times and improving access to screening and treatment options for local people.​
  • Continued funding for community safety wardens - tackling anti-social behaviour and improving the perception of crime across the borough.​​
  • All-new accessible facilities to ensure our parks and leisure centres remain inclusive to all, including improved walking and cycling routes and accessible changing facilities.​
  • £0.9 million into play areas as we continue to fund on-going projects that are bringing play areas, skate parks and more improvements across the borough for families to enjoy.​
  • £5.6 million on making tenants homes greener as we strive toward becoming a net zero borough by 2050.​
  • £16 million investment in the refurbishment of Brooke House to bring it up to modern day standards and improve homes for local people​
  • Collaborative investment through South Essex Councils - creating opportunities for growth and prosperity across the region.​

Councillor Stuart Sullivan, Cabinet Member for Resources and Commercial said: "I am pleased we have been able to agree a balanced budget for 2024/25. We understand the pressure local people are feeling as we continue to tackle a number of financial challenges. ​

"We want Basildon to be home to healthy and active local communities, that offer safe neighbourhoods, towns, parks and open spaces. These investments are key to unlocking that potential, as we continue to put residents at the heart of everything we do.​

"We will continue to seek the views of local people as we move forward - consulting on a number of projects and policies to better understand how they will impact our residents."​

Watch the meeting in full on Basildon Council's YouTube channel.​


Published 23 February 2024