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In the news: Cabinet Members to review proposed amendments to Basildon Council's allocation scheme

At a meeting of Basildon Council's Cabinet on Thursday 18 January 2024, Cabinet Members will discuss proposals for a public consultation on amendments to Basildon Council's allocations scheme.

The current council allocation scheme was introduced in 2014 and was most recently reviewed in 2022. The scheme is designed to ensure that the limited social housing the council has available is used appropriately and supports the needs of residents, the corporate objectives of the council and is reflective of current legislation.

During 2022/23, councils in England spent £1.7 billion on temporary accommodation. In Basildon there is expected to be a £2 million spend on temporary accommodation by the end of this financial year.

Local Authorities across the country are receiving unprecedented demand for housing, and in order to support those in need, Basildon Council has proposed amendments to the current allocations scheme. Proposals include creating a homeless-at-home band, reviewing incentives for those tenants currently under occupying their home who may wish to downsize, amending income limits and increasing the quota of family sized accommodation for transfer tenants only.

Councillor Andrew Schrader, Cabinet Member for Housing and Estate Renewal said: "The demand for housing has never been higher, and the council is not immune to these challenges and financial pressures. The proposed amendments would relieve some of these pressures, having a significant impact on the services we provide and how we support those most in need of a place to live."

If approved at Cabinet, there will be a public consultation on the amendments to the scheme. A further report detailing the outcome of consultation and the proposed amended allocation scheme will then be brought back to Cabinet for final consideration and approval. 

Watch the Cabinet meeting in full on Basildon Council's YouTube channel.


Published 15 January 2024