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Public Inquiry - Land South and Land East of Newlands Road, Wickford - 28 November 2023

A date has been set for a Public Inquiry in respect of Land South and Land East of Newlands Road, Wickford.

A date has been set for a Public Inquiry in respect of Land South and Land East of Newlands Road, Wickford.

The Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will hold the Inquiry opening at 10am on Tuesday 28 November 2023 at The Basildon Centre, St George's Suite, St Martin's Square, Basildon, Essex, SS14 1DL. 

The Inquiry follows appeals against planning enforcement notices served by Basildon Borough Council, the refusal of a planning application and the non-validation of three planning applications by Basildon Borough Council, detailed below: 

Enforcement Notice Served by the Council 18 September 2020

Without planning permission, the laying of hard-core and hardstanding and associated material onto the Land forming an area of hardstanding

Enforcement Notice Served by the Council 22 April 2022

Without planning permission, operational development consisting of:

  1. The laying of hard-core, construction waste and associated material onto the land forming an area of hardstanding and access routes.

  2. The erection of buildings

  3. The erection of lampposts

Enforcement Notice Served by the Council 22 April 2022

Breach of Planning Condition: The relevant planning permission concerned is the permission granted upon Appeal by the Planning Inspectorate decision on 9th November 2010 for change of use of the Land to a residential caravan site ref. APP/V1505/C/10/2124875.

The Condition concerned which has not been complied with is Condition 2 of the permission which states - "No more than 2 caravans, as defined in the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and the Caravan Sites Act 1968 (of which no more than 1 shall be a static caravan or mobile home) shall be stationed on the site at any time."

Application refused by the Council.

19/00341/FULL - Use of land for the stationing of caravans

Applications not validated by the Council.

21/01426/VAR - Variation of condition 2 (Number of caravans to be stationed on the site at any one time), and condition 3 (no more than one commercial vehicle shall be kept on the land), and removal of conditions 5 (time limits) and 6 (landscaping) of planning appeal reference APP/V1505/C/10/2124875 (09/00422/UCO)

21/01427/VAR - Variation of condition 2 (Number of caravans to be stationed on the site at any one time), and condition 3 (no more than one commercial vehicle shall be kept on the land), and removal of conditions 5 (time limits) and 6 (landscaping) of planning appeal reference APP/V1505/C/10/2124875 (09/00422/UCO) - (Land known as Three Sisters)

21/01428/VAR - Variation of condition 2 (Number of caravans to be stationed on the site at any one time), and condition 3 (no more than one commercial vehicle shall be kept on the land), and removal of conditions 5 (time limits) and 6 (landscaping) of planning appeal reference APP/V1505/C/10/2124875 (09/00422/UCO)

The appeals are made by:  Levi Anderson, Charlotte Stevens, James Sharp, Sandra Connors, Peter Eyles, John Pomfrett, Jamie Anderson, Peggy Anderson, Rebecca Newhouse

Any person may attend the Inquiry and, at the Inspector's discretion, give their views, or appoint someone to speak on their behalf.

If you wish to actively participate in the Inquiry but are unable to attend in person, please contact the Local Planning Authority (email: or telephone: 01268 533333) for details of how to attend virtually as soon as possible prior to the Inquiry.  

The Inquiry will be live streamed on the Council's YouTube Channel:   

In due course, the Inspector's decision will be published online at: The Planning Inspectorate -

Planning Inspectorate Reference(s):  APP/V1505/C/20/3261307, APP/V1505/W/20/3261289, APP/V1505/C/22/3298897, APP/V1505/C/22/3298899, APP/V1505/C/22/3298902, APP/V1505/C/22/3299450, APP/V1505/C/22/3299452, APP/V1505/C/22/3299453,APP/V1505/W/22/3298896, APP/V1505/W/22/3298898, APP/V1505/W/22/3298901, APP/V1505/C/22/3299381, APP/V1505/C/22/3299382, APP/V1505/C/22/3299438, APP/V1505/C/22/3299436, APP/V1505/C/22/3299440, APP/V1505/C/22/3299442, APP/V1505/C/22/3299443, APP/V1505/C/22/3299441, APP/V1505/C/22/3299451