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In the news: Basildon third in national league table for fly-tipping enforcement

Newly published data by the UK Government shows that Basildon Council issued 6,420 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for fly-tipping in 2021/22.

The council ranked third in data released on 23 August 2023, which shows the 20 local authorities reporting the most FPNs in 2021/22. London Boroughs Waltham Forest and Merton were the only local authorities to report a higher number of FPNs in the same period.

The total number, 6,240, includes FPNs issued specifically for fly-tipping, FPNs issued for breaching the household waste duty of care, FPNs for littering issued in conjunction with fly-tipping, and other FPNs issued in relation to fly-tipping.

The ranking is based on the number of FPNs alone, however a separate table re-ranks each local authority based on the ratio of FPNs issued to fly-tipping incidents recorded. In this instance, Basildon ranked second overall behind Thurrock Council.

Cllr Kevin Blake, Cabinet Member for Environment, Carbon Reduction and Waste Enforcement said: "This data shows Basildon Council takes every incident of fly-tipping very seriously. We investigate every report of fly-tipping we receive and take the necessary enforcement action to keep the area residents live in, a place to be proud of.

"We continue to focus on keeping the borough clean for our residents and have maintained this level of focus into this year. I would like to thank officers for their dedication to pursuing each incident, and residents for their continued support in helping us identify incidents and their perpetrators. Together we are making Basildon a cleaner, greener borough for everyone to enjoy."

"Disposing of waste illegally will not be tolerated, and there are consequences that cost for those who do. I hope this data sends out a strong message to anyone in the borough that disposing of waste incorrectly will land you with an FPN, and if it's not paid, then you'll be taken to court."

You can report dumped rubbish on our website by placing a pin on the map, highlighting the location of the issue.


Published Wednesday 23 August 2023