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In the news: Successful prosecution following fly-tipping offence

A Basildon man was found guilty of fly-tipping within the borough at Basildon Magistrates Court on 11 July 2023.

Niki Williams, age 45 of Hollybank, Langdon Hills and company owner of "Inta Roof Roofing Specialists" appeared at Basildon Magistrates Court on 11 July 2023. He refused to provide the details of the individual who was driving one of his works vehicles at the time. In an interview under caution he admitted to illegally dumping rubble sacks in the car park of Wickford Avenue, Basildon.

Mr Williams pleaded guilty to three offences: the deposit of waste on land without an environmental permit; a similar offence by depositing waste from a motor vehicle; and a duty of care offence by not taking all measures reasonable to not cause a deposit of waste.

He was sentenced to a fine of £1,056, ordered to pay costs of £621 and a £160 surcharge, all amounting to £1,837.

Cllr Kevin Blake, Cabinet Member for Environment, Carbon Reduction and Waste Enforcement said: "Basildon Council takes fly-tipping very seriously and we continue to focus on keeping the borough clean for our residents. We investigate every report of fly-tipping we receive and take the necessary enforcement action to keep the area you live in a place to be proud of.

"The vast majority of our residents do the right thing with their waste. If you do not, then you run the risk of a substantial fine or conviction of a serious offence. Fly-tipping will not be tolerated within the Basildon Borough. Cases like this show that there are consequences that cost."

Basildon Council also attended court on 11 July for another suspected fly-tipping case, however the alleged perpetrator did not attend and so court was adjourned. A warrant has been placed for the individual's arrest.

You can report dumped rubbish on our website by placing a pin on the map, highlighting the location of the issue.


Published 17 July 2023