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In the news: Together for Safer Communities - public meetings to return this Autumn

A series of 'Together for Safer Communities' public meetings will return in Autumn 2023, following receipt of funding from the PFCC - providing residents across the borough with community safety information and crime prevention materials.

Previous meetings have been held across the borough, inviting residents to talk to Basildon Council about their community safety concerns. There is also an opportunity to pick up free crime prevention materials including property and bike marking kits, window alarms, signal blockers for key fobs, vehicle crime packs, number plate screws, personal alarms, contactless card defenders, purse dipping bells and 'No Cold Calling' stickers.

Meetings are usually held in the evening at convenient public locations, and residents are encouraged to come together to share their concerns. Feedback from previous meetings has been positive.

Dates and locations for this new series of meetings will be announced shortly.

Cllr Andrew Baggott, Leader of Basildon Council, welcomed the announcement: "We are committed to making the borough a safer place by working with our partners to reduce crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour. It is essential that we take the time to comprehend safety issues which matter most to our residents and equip them with the tools necessary to protect themselves and their property.

"I hope those who have already participated in our Together for Safer Communities meetings found them to be informative and reassuring, and I look forward to welcoming more residents to this new series of sessions in the Autumn."

To stay up to date with the latest information from Basildon Council, including the dates and locations for upcoming Together for Safer Communities meetings - sign up to our weekly e-newsletter at


Published 12 July 2023