Doing Business with The Council
Introduction to supplying products, services and works to Basildon Council.
Each year, Basildon Council procures a wide variety of goods, works, and services. This page contains information and links that will assist you in learning more about the opportunities to work with the Council.
When sourcing goods, works, and services, the Council looks for solutions that are both cost-effective and the most advantageous in other aspects, such as quality and performance. The Council also works within applicable procurement regulations.
To register your business information and gain one-stop access to contract opportunities from local authorities across Essex, visit the Council's supplier portal:
To register your business as an interested supplier with Basildon Council, visit the Council's registration portal, 'Delta eSourcing':
Our 'procurement pipeline' documents below give information about expected future procurement opportunities over the next 18 months. The details are provided for information only and may change. We make no commitment that:
- goods and services listed in the documents will be procured
- future contracts will follow the dates shown
- suppliers for all contracts will be sought through open competition - for example, we may use frameworks managed by the government.
Although we have made every reasonable effort to ensure information is accurate at the time of publication, we make no representations or warranties of any kind as to the accuracy of the information.
Planning, Regeneration and Economic Development contract pipeline
- Workforce and Change contract pipeline
- Property, Assets and Development contract pipeline
Opportunities of £25,000 and above are advertised on GOV.UK's Contracts Finder
Opportunities of £50,000 and above are advertised on the Delta Procurement Portal.
You will need to register and use a secure login to use this portal
Opportunities of £118,000 and above are advertised on GOV.UK's site - Find high value contracts in the public sector
For information on Basildon Council's contract opportunities, please see the links below:
- For current and future tenders: Register online as a supplier through Delta eSourcing
- For past tenders: Basildon Council - Live Contracts Register 2025 (Excel doc, 90 KB)
- Request a free demo with Delta eSourcing (opens new window)
- Guidance on how to bid for government contracts as an SME effectively (opens new window)
- Video detailing how public procurement will change (opens new window)
- Video guidance on searching for tenders using GOV.UK Contracts Finder (opens new window)
- Link to bookable events - Procurement Reform (opens new window)
- Guidance on how to do business with local government (opens new window)
- - Guidance and training to improve your chances of being successful with tenders’ (opens new window)
Invoices or queries about an invoice should be sent to
- Email: (opens new window)
- Phone: 01268 208052
- Post: Basildon Borough Council, PO Box 6252, Basildon, Essex, SS14 0DF
What information should be included on an invoice?
Unless specifically notified, all invoices MUST include a Purchase Order Number and should include a contact name at Basildon Council.
When are invoices paid?
Basildon Council's standard policy is to pay all invoices within 30 days, unless there is a query or a dispute. We pay approximately 95% of non-disputed invoices within this time frame.
How will we receive payment?
All suppliers are paid by BACS straight into their bank account.