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Local Plan update - 20 February 2023

The Issues and Options (I&O) Document and Consultation Planning Document (CPD) were recommended for approval by Cabinet on 9 February 2023 and due to be considered by Full Council on 23 March 2023 for approval. The I&O document addresses the long-term vision of the new Local Plan, the key issues and broad spatial options. The CPD relates to the council's approach to resident and stakeholder engagement. These documents were supported by an Addendum to the council's Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) to reflect the changes that have impacted the SCI's consultation standards since the third revision was adopted in October 2020.

An Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) is also being prepared, to assess the sustainability, health, and equality performance of the I&O document and will be published alongside the I&O document for public consultation.

Residents and stakeholders will have the opportunity have their say during the I&O Consultation which is programmed to commence in June 2023.

The emerging local plan evidence base library is being progressed and can be viewed here: Evidence Base - Basildon