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In the news: Cabinet Members approve improvements to garden waste collection service

Basildon Council's Cabinet Members have agreed on improvements to garden waste collections.

The improvements agreed mean the introduction of a weekly, chargeable collection service that will be optional for residents. Currently, garden waste is collected on a fortnightly basis. 

The optional service would mean a cost of £50 for one garden waste bin to be collected per year. This amount would reduce by 50% to £25 for any additional bins purchased. Residents will also be able to share bins with neighbours to reduce the cost. 

The agreed charge equates to £4.17 per month and will come into effect later this year.

Residents can email (opens new window) to be notified once the sign up system is live.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Carbon Reduction, Councillor Kevin Blake said: "Not everyone has a garden or uses our garden waste collection service. Introducing a weekly, chargeable service at a fairly priced rate is something that needed to be considered.

"This is something that a lot of neighbouring boroughs do already, and it will allow us to move from a fortnightly to a weekly collection service for the residents who sign up. 

"I thank both the cross-party Waste Member Working Group for their extensive work that led to these proposals, and I thank the Scrutiny Committee for their helpful comments on them ahead of this decision".


Published on Friday 20 January 2023