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In the news: Feed the ducks at Lake Meadows with new environmentally friendly duck feeder

A brand new duckfeeder has been installed within Lake Meadows to enable visitors to feed the local ducks and swans in a sustainable way using healthy feed.

The environmentally friendly initiative is in partnership with The Feed Ducks Initiative, with the company supplying the feeder which has been installed by the council on an existing plinth surrounding the park's lake near its main entrance, adjacent to the café.

Feed from the machine will cost £1 for a small bag and £2.50 for a large bag with a donation from each purchase going towards improvement projects within our parks.

The feeder is solar powered, made from 100% recycled plastics, and will heavily reduce plastic waste by dispending the food directly into hands

Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing, Leisure, Arts, and Culture, Councillor Jeff Henry, said: "This is a brilliant partnership with The Feed Ducks Initiative that will be a really exciting, environmentally friendly addition to one of our brilliant parks.

"It will reduce damaging bread feeding and overfeeding in public spaces, which will make a big impact on reducing the amount of foreign feed and rotting excess food that builds up in the park's lake and attracts vermin.

"We're installing one in Lake Meadows first as its got high footfall around the lake and a suitable location to install the feeder, but it if proves popular, then we're certainly looking to install more of these in our parks across the borough.

Each unit has a QR code that links to a website that provides facts about the park's habitat and conservation, with residents being able to scan the code to add in facts about the park for fellow residents to enjoy.

To find out more about the initiative, visit:


Published on Thursday 22 September 2022