In the news: Last chance to have your say on how council budget should be set
Do you think Basildon Council should spend more, less or the same on the services it provides?

Basildon Council gets no general government grant funding at all. This means the council must get all of its income from council tax, business rates, money it can raise itself and specific grants it can bid for.
In setting its budget it must balance its income with its spending by increasing income and reducing spending. And this is what it wants your views on.
Cllr Stuart Sullivan, Cabinet Member for Resources and Commercial, said: "Demand for council services continues to increase and so does the cost of providing them. To make sure we deliver value to the taxpayer, we have to find ways to increase our income and reduce spending if we are to balance our budget and deliver what is needed for our residents.
"I hope as many residents as possible will use this survey to have their say on the important task of setting a balanced budget."
Feedback from the consultation, which closes 5 September, will be used by councillors as they set the budget and council tax for 2023/24.
You can complete the consultation here:
If you haven't got internet access and need help to complete the survey, we can make special arrangements. Please contact customer services on 01268 533333 for help.
Published 30 August 2022