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Licence - Lottery

A licence is required from Basildon Council to conduct small lotteries, raffles etc. by societies raising money for charity, sports and other similar purposes, for non-personal or non-commercial reasons.

The society on whose behalf the lottery is being promoted must be registered with the local authority, if their head office is within the local authority's boundaries.

Eligible organisations include:

  • charities
  • organisations in or to support athletic sports or games
  • organisations in or to support cultural activities

These must not be for personal or commercial gain.

The total amount of chances sold should not exceed £20,000 for any one lottery or the total of all lotteries sold should not exceed £250,000 in a calendar year.

If a society wishes to run lotteries which exceed these amounts they must register with the The Gambling Commission (opens new window) and must promote all further lotteries (of whatever size) held in that or the three following calendar years under the Board's registration, and will not be able to change to a local authority registration during that time.

Lottery Licence Applications.

Lottery licences are valid for one year from the date of issue.

Please see Basildon Council - Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024-2025 (PDF, 510 KB)(opens new window) (see pages 67-68) for information on current application and renewal fees.

Please read the guidance notes in the related downloads section before applying for a licence.  If you require any further information please contact us.