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In the news: Statement from Council Leader following Emergency Motion on 10 February 2022

Leader of Basildon Council, Cllr Andrew Baggott, has issued a short update following a decision made at an Extraordinary Council meeting on Thursday 10 February, and the subsequent statement from Basildon Council's Monitoring Officer.

Cllr Andrew Baggott said: "Following the Council meeting held on 10 February 2022, at which a resolution to withdraw the Local Plan was passed, the Monitoring Officer has asked the council to consider additional information and thereafter to reconfirm its previous resolution to withdraw the local plan.

"I have therefore asked the Chief Executive and Mayor to convene a meeting of Full Council which they have agreed and which will be held on Thursday 3 March 2022."

Details of the Local Plan and its examination can be found on the council's website:


Published on 21 February 2022