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In the news: Councillors to discuss proposals to freeze Council Tax for 2022/23

Councillors will discuss proposals to freeze the Basildon Council proportion of residents' Council Tax for the year 2022/23 at a meeting of the Resources and Commercial Committee on Tuesday 8 February 2022.

At the meeting councillors will review a proposed budget for the next financial year, including arrangements to freeze Council Tax for Basildon Council services while continuing to invest in ambitious programmes to modernise services for residents.

If approved, the proposals would mean the charge for a Band D property will remain at £278.91 per annum, making up around 14% of residents overall Council Tax bill.

Councillor Stuart Sullivan, Chairman of the Resources and Commercial Committee said: "I am pleased to be able to bring these proposals to freeze our portion of Council Tax to the committee. This proposal is thanks to efficient management of council resources and in recognition of the cost of living pressures that households across the borough are currently facing.

"Despite the proposed freeze we are continuing with and adding to an ambitious programme of investment and projects to improve the lives and environment of the people of the borough."

If approved at Resources and Commercial Committee, the proposals to freeze Council Tax will then be put before Full Council for approval at its meeting on 24 February 2022.


Published on 03 February 2022