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Protection from Eviction by a Private Landlord

The vast majority of private landlords are responsible and fair. In the event of you experiencing trouble with your private landlord or tenancy, the Council may be able to help.

Likewise, the vast majority of tenants are responsible and fair, however, if you are a landlord experiencing trouble with your tenants the Council may be able to help.

The Council's Powers Under the Protection from Eviction Act 1977

Harassment and illegal eviction as defined in the Protection from Eviction Act 1977, are criminal offences.

The Council has a power to prosecute persons who commit offences.

The Council's Environmental Health Officers investigate complaints and mediate between the parties wherever possible.

The Council will consider bringing a prosecution where the evidence is sufficient to indicate the likelihood of a successful prosecution and where it is in the public interest.

The Council's Powers under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, as amended

The Council has powers to prosecute landlords who fail to fulfil their obligations under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, as amended.

Such matters include the failure of landlords to provide rent books and the failure of freeholders to give long leasehold tenants information concerning service charges and insurance.

Where a complaint is received the Council's Environmental Health Officers will try to ensure that the required information is provided. However in the case of persistent failure to provide the information a prosecution will be considered.

The Council's Powers under S.33 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

The Council has a power under S.33 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, to make arrangements to secure the restoration or continuance of gas, water or electricity supplies for the benefit of residents (usually tenants) where the supplies have been, or are likely to be, cut off because of failure by the owner of the property to pay for the services.

The Council will consider making such arrangements only as a last resort for emergency cases and then only when young children or elderly persons are affected.

When invoking its powers the Council will only make arrangements with the suppliers which do not involve financial liability falling upon the Council.

In every case the Council will cooperate closely with the suppliers and wherever possible enlist the suppliers' support and assistance.

For further information on the above or any other issues you may have with your private tenancy, please contact us - we may be able to offer some advice and assistance.

Further information and enquiries