Public Notice - Notice of audit still in progress 2020/21



Notice of Audit Still in Progress


Update (22 September 2021): NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the audit of the accounts of Basildon Borough Council for the year ended 31 March 2021 is still in progress. The council's auditor has commenced their audit, however, due to resource limitations of the audit team, this is not scheduled to finish until the end of November 2021. The accounts certified by the Section 151 Officer were delivered to the external auditors on 28 June 2021, as planned.


Update (8 November 2021): Following discussions with the auditors it is now not possible at this stage to provide a date by which the audit is expected to be complete.


A subsequent notice will be published following the conclusion of the audit.


Date: 8 November 2021


Owen Sparks - Director of Resources (Section 151 Officer)

Basildon Borough Council, Basildon Centre, St Martin's Square, Basildon, Essex. SS14 1DL