Basildon 2030 - Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings and homes
Our Basildon 2030 Climate Strategy and Action Plan considers actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our building stock, by reducing our energy demand and moving towards low carbon sources of energy.

The energy used to heat and power buildings and homes makes up around 81% of the borough's total greenhouse gas emissions.
The council's Climate Strategy and Action Plan considers the actions needed to reduce emissions from our building stock, by reducing our energy demand and moving towards low carbon sources of energy. Whilst the UK is generating more energy from renewable sources, the majority of our energy supply is still generated in ways that produces greenhouse gas emissions.
98% of all homes in Basildon have gas heating and are responsible for the largest share of Basildon's emissions. Well over half of Basildon's 76,200 homes are not yet efficient enough to make the necessary move away from natural gas central heating to low carbon alternatives.
In order to be net-zero carbon, by 2050, all buildings and homes must be made more highly energy efficient in order to reduce the amount of energy they use. This can be achieved mainly by investing in loft, wall and floor insulation and replacing doors and windows. All homes, businesses and organisations must replace natural gas central heating and cooking with a low carbon alternative such as heat pumps and electric cookers.
What you can do to reduce energy use and emissions from your home or business
Step 1 - take action
There are a wide range of things you can do to cut your energy use (as well as your energy bills!), from switching off appliances when you aren't using them, to turning your thermostat down a couple of degrees, or using energy efficient products like LEDs. For lots of tips on using less energy visit:
Save on hot water by having shorter showers, putting a lid on the pan when cooking, and not overfilling the kettle - heating water is one of the most energy-intensive activities in our homes.
Switch to a 100% green energy tariff or green energy provider - it may not cost you more than a standard tariff.
Retrofit your home/ business to make it more energy efficient - to find out how visit:
- Simple Energy Advice - Government endorsed advice (opens new window)
- Ecofurb - Low carbon home renovation plan builder (opens new window)
Invest in low carbon heating or renewable energy for your home/ business - to find out what technologies might work for you visit:
Step 2 - Find out what funding is available
For information on what funding is available visit:
Home owners and businesses may be eligible for payments for low carbon heat technologies through the government's Renewable Heat Incentive scheme up until March 2022. To find out more visit:
- Ofgem - Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) (opens new window)
- GOV.UK - Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) (opens new window)
If your home or business has solar panels or any other renewable means of generating electricity installed, you may be eligible for payments for any electricity you generate which can be fed into the national grid. To find out more visit:
- Ofgem - About the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) (opens new window)
- GOV.UK - Feed-in tariffs: get money for generating your own electricity (opens new window)
Step 3 - Get involved in our upcoming Climate Action Group
The Buildings and Energy sub-group will be looking at how we can reduce emissions from homes, businesses, and other organisations.
Step 4 - Spread the word
In order to become a net-zero carbon borough, everyone working or living in Basildon is going to need to play their part. You can help spread the word to get your friends, family and co-workers thinking about how they can reduce their energy use and emissions from their homes or workplaces.
What we will do
Encourage homeowners, landlords, businesses, and organisations to make their homes and premises more energy efficient and low carbon via our climate comms.
Support initiatives which help the able-to-pay to make their homes more energy efficient and maximise low carbon and renewable energy.
Ensure that new development in Basildon is fit for the future through our Plan policies. In order to achieve our carbon reduction target as cost effectively as possible, all new development must be ultra-energy efficient and climate resilient, maximise low carbon and renewable energy, and be capable of operating at net zero carbon emissions without the need for expensive retrofit in later years. This is what our draft Climate Change policies are looking to achieve.
Engage with local housing providers to drive domestic retrofit in Basildon's social housing stock.
Ensure that all major Council regeneration schemes and developments are in keeping with our carbon reduction target where possible.
Identify any funding and skills gaps which must be filled in order to decarbonise Basildon's building stock and lobby national government.
Develop an energy masterplan for the borough to support the transition in energy use.
Decentralised energy networks
Decentralised energy is produced close to where it will be used and distributed by a network of underground pipes. We are currently exploring how local heat and power could be generated and distributed around the borough using district heat networks.