In the news: Have your say on Basildon Town Centre Masterplan

Our town centre is changing, and we want your ideas on what it might look like in the future. Basildon Council wants to hear from you as part of its masterplan consultation.

Decorative image of Basildon town centre

Decorative image of Basildon town centre
Residents and businesses are being asked to have their say as a consultation opens today (Monday 13 January) on the future of the town centre.

The council is working with partners to develop a new masterplan for Basildon town centre. The first draft is expected to be approved in March 2020. This will guide the centre through the next 15 years of development.

Leader of Basildon Council Councillor Gavin Callaghan said: "This will be the biggest regeneration project in Basildon since it was created 70 years ago. And it will only be successful if we deliver what residents and businesses want. So we need to hear your voices loud and clear during this consultation.

"This is a once in a generation opportunity for all of us who live, work and study in Basildon. No idea is too big or too small. Nothing is off of the table. The council is open to all ideas and to totally reimagining what our town centre can be and what it can deliver.

"So take part in the survey, let us know your views and together we can rebuild an even better Basildon."

The consultation is open for four weeks and closes on Sunday 9 February

To have your say visit Public consultation - Basildon town centre masterplan (opens new window)

Published on Monday 13 January 2020