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Data Protection Officer

If you need to contact us about a matter relating to Data Protection then please get in touch with our Data Protection Officer by completing our online form.

Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) is Sue Marriott.

The role within the Council is to ensure that the Council is aware of its obligations in regard to data protection laws when processing the personal data of residents, staff, providers and any other data subjects.

Some of the tasks of the Data Protection Officer include:

  • Acting as a contact point for data subjects on issues and queries relating to the Authority's processing of Personal Data and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations
  • Giving recommendations and advice to the Council about the interpretation and application of the data protection laws
  • Leading on any prior consultation needed with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) for any Basildon Borough Council processing of Personal Data where required and to support the business and ICO in this process
  • Liaising with key internal roles regarding Data Protection and all other information governance matters. Building strong relationships with other partner Data Protection Officers to encourage the sharing of knowledge, best practice and reliable sharing arrangements
  • Educating the Council and its employees on important compliance requirements and ensuring that staff are trained in data processing
  • To investigate suspected breaches, report significant data loses and coordinate our response
  • Conducting internal audits and cooperating with GDPR supervisory authorities

To contact the DPO then please complete on of our online forms:

For anything that can  not be completed through our online forms then please Email the Data Protection Officer.

Or get in touch by post:

Data Protection Officer
Basildon Borough Council
St Martin's Square
SS14 1DL