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Neighbourhood Planning Support

Neighbourhood Planning Support Policy

Basildon Borough Council has prepared a Support Policy to provide more information on neighbourhood planning and to provide clarity on the level of 'advice and assistance' the Council will give to Local Councils and Neighbourhood Forums at the various stages of the neighbourhood planning process.

Downloadable Document

Neighbourhood Planning Support Policy - October 2020 (PDF, 476 KB)(opens new window)

Neighbourhood Planning Grant

Basildon Council has allocated a £50,000 budget, to help facilitate the preparation of Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs) and/or Neighbourhood Development Orders (NDOs) in the borough. Neighbourhood planning groups wishing to apply to the Council for funding should read this guidance note to help them through the process.

Downloadable Document

Guidance Note for Allocating Neighbourhood Planning Grants 2020 – 2023 (PDF, 134 KB)(opens new window)

Neighbourhood Planning Resources

Basildon Borough Council held a workshop on 2nd February 2023 in conjunction with DAC Planning to provide advice to local councils and groups within Basildon Borough that are either preparing a Neighbourhood Plan or are interested in preparing one. The slides from the workshop are available below.

Downloadable Document

Introduction to Neighbourhood Planning Workshop Feb 2023 (PDF, 2 MB)