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What are Non Dependants?

A non-dependant can be a parent, adult son or daughter, relative or friend who lives in your home. 

Non dependant deduction means that your housing benefit is reduced if an adult who could contribute to your rent lives with you. This applies even if you don't receive rent from the non- dependant person. 

Examples include a grown-up child who returns after studying, a relationship breakdown, or someone who has just finished serving in the forces.

No deductions for non-dependants are made if the customer or partner is:

  • Blind or treated as blind.
  • Getting Attendance Allowance or the care component of Disability Living Allowance for themselves.
  • Getting the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment.
  • Getting the Armed Forces Independence Payment.

Non-dependant deductions applied where a non-dependant is not in paid work or normally living elsewhere

The following table shows the deductions that will be applied where a non-dependant is not in paid work or normally living elsewhere (rates below from April 2025)

Non-dependant typeAmount deducted
A non-dependant in receipt of Pension CreditNo deduction
A non-dependant in receipt of training allowance, full-time student (including students not working in summer vacation) co-owners or joint tenants, patients (for more than 52 weeks) or prisonersNo deduction
A non-dependant  aged less than 25 and on Income Support or income-based Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) or assessment phase rate income-related Employment Support Allowance (ESA)No deduction
A non-dependant aged under 25, entitled to Universal Credit (UC) and have no earned incomeNo deduction
A non-dependant normally living elsewhereNo deduction
A non-dependant in respect of who a deduction has already been applied in Housing BenefitNo deduction
A non-dependant aged 25 and over and on IS or income-based JSA£19.65
A non-dependant of any age and in receipt of income-related ESA at main phase rate£19.65
A non-dependant aged 18 or over and not in remunerative work£19.65


Non-dependant deductions applied where a non-dependant is aged 18 or over and in paid work

The following table shows the deduction that will be applied where a non-dependant is aged 18 or over, in paid work and earning a gross weekly income (before tax and National Insurance are taken off).

Non-dependant aged 18 or over, in paid work and earningAmount deducted
A gross weekly income less than £183£19.65
A gross weekly income between £183 and £265.99£45.15
A gross weekly income between £266 and £347.99£62.00
A gross weekly income between £348 and £462.99£101.35
A gross weekly income between £463.00 and £576.99£115.45
A gross weekly income of £577 or more£126.65