Licence - House In Multiple Occupation (HMO)
New legislation which came into force on 1st October 2018 means that every HMO occupied by five or more people forming two or more separate households must be licensed regardless of the number of storeys at the property.
This replaces previous requirements, where an HMO licence was only required for a property comprising of three or more storeys.
The HMO Licence Application Process
The following steps explain how to apply for an HMO Licence and the process an application will go through before a licence is granted.
Step 1 - Submit an application
Applicants must complete and submit a separate application form for each HMO that needs a licence.
How to apply
Application forms can be downloaded from the GOV.UK website which includes easy to follow 'how to' guidance, see:
Application forms on the GOV.UK website can either be:
- Completed and submitted online from the GOV.UK web page which will ask for online payment of application fees by credit or debit card and for additional supporting documentation to be attached, (i.e.) Floor plans, Fire risk assessment and Accredited landlord certificate.
- or... downloaded and then printed and completed by hand for return to us, with application fees and supporting documentation, by post to:
Environmental Health Services
Basildon Borough Council
The Basildon Centre
St Martin's Square
SS14 1DL
Alternatively you can contact the Environmental Health service and ask for an HMO Licence application to be sent to you.
Please allow 8-10 weeks from the date of submission for your licence application to be processed - this may vary depending on demand.
PLEASE NOTE FROM 1ST JANUARY 2023: only valid applications will be accepted.
A valid application must include the following:
- A completed application form.
- Appropriate application fee.
- Accredited Landlord Certificate (where applicable).
- Current Electrical Installation Condition Report from a suitable qualified person within the last 5 years.
- Current gas safety record.
- Fire alarm test certificate.
- Fire risk assessment.
- Emergency lighting certificate (if applicable).
- Floor plans to include room sizes and clearly marked fire precaution measures.
- Portable Appliance Test certificate (PAT)
- N.B from 1st February 2024, all electrical appliances supplied by a landlord/manager will require a PAT Test Certificate regardless of age and condition. The previous exemption for electrical appliances under 12 months old will no longer apply.
- Current Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). All private rented properties must achieve an energy performance rating of "E" or above.
- A signed copy of the agreement/contract between the owner and management company showing who has full management responsibility.
- You may be asked to provide a legionella risk assessment conducted by a suitable competent person.
Step 2 - Acknowledgement of application
Once a completed application and correct fee has been received we will send you an acknowledgement and then contact the person you have designated (if not you) and arrange to inspect the property - access to all rooms and communal areas is required.
Step 3 - Property inspection
A property inspection will be carried out by the Environmental Health team.
Step 4 - List of works needed (if necessary)
A list of required works (if appropriate) will be sent to the applicant.
Step 5 - Check of the applicant's credentials
Basildon Council will decide if the applicant is a 'fit and proper person' Convictions relating to housing law, violence, sexual, drug and fraud offences or unlawful discrimination will be taken into account. Submitted documents (e.g., landlord accreditation certificate, gas safety record etc.) will be examined.
Step 6 - Issue of the 'draft' licence for representation
Once suitability of the property and licence holder is determined, a draft licence will be sent to you and any relevant parties for comment (e.g. mortgage company). Representations must be made within 14 days.
Step 7 - Review of representations
If representations are received, the Council will consider them and amend the licence if appropriate and Step 6 is repeated. If no representations are made, the licence is not amended.
Step 8 - Issue of HMO licence
Basildon Council will issue the licence that includes mandatory and discretionary conditions. A copy must be displayed in the property. Details will be entered into the public register including the property name and address and licence holder name, address and contact details.
HMO Licence application fees
HMO licence fees are split into two payments - Application fee and Maintenance fee. The Application fee is payable on submission of the application and the maintenance fee upon granting of the licence.
Application Fee
- £180.00 per unit of accommodation (each sleeping room) - Up to 6 Units.
- Additional units thereafter are £90.00 per room.
- Landlords with a portfolio of 5 or more HMOs in Basildon borough will receive a discount of £35.00 per application.
A discount of 15% of the application fee will be granted to landlords who have signed up to an accreditation scheme.
Maintenance Fee
- £220.00 payable on granting of the licence (per property).
Renewal Applications and Fees
- For a Renewal Application, the application fee is £90.00 per unit of accommodation (each sleeping room) - Up to 6 units.
- Additional units thereafter are £60.00 per room.
- The Maintenance Fee for a renewal application is £220.00 payable on granting of the licence (per property).
More information can be found in The Council's Basildon Council - Schedule of Fees and Charges 2022 - 2023 (PDF, 510 KB)(opens new window).
Important, please note the following:-
An HMO licence will only be granted if:
- the property is or can be made suitable for multiple occupation.
- the applicant is a fit and proper person and most appropriate to hold the licence.
- the proposed manager has control of the property and is a fit and proper person to be the manager.
- the management arrangements are satisfactory.
Tacit Consent does not apply. It is in the public interest that the Council must process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us within a reasonable period, please contact us.
If your application is refused and you wish to appeal, please contact us in the first instance. Appeals must be made to a first tier tribunal within 28 days of the decision being made.
Once your licence has been granted, the details will be entered on the public register. You cannot transfer a licence. If you sell your HMO, the new owner will have to apply for a licence of their own.
Further information and enquiries
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
- Basildon Borough Council - Register of Homes in Multiple Occupation - March 2025 (Excel doc, 343 KB)(opens new window)
For further information and enquiries see contact details below...