Basildon for business - BaSE, inward investment magazine
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BaSE - Basildon's Inward Investment Magazine - January 2019 Edition (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)
In this edition:
News - Engineering success - Housing, Living well - Town centres, Talk of the town - Expansion, Premier league - Infographic, How Basildon stacks up - Environment, Into the woods - Basildon for Business - Regeneration projects.

BaSE - Basildon's Inward Investment Magazine - November 2017 Edition (PDF, 9 MB)(opens new window)
In this edition:
News - Quality of life - Connectivity - Map of what's happening where - Projects - Economy - Markets - Enterprise - Housing - Art and Design.

BaSE - Basildon's Inward Investment Magazine - July 2016 Edition (PDF, 10 MB)(opens new window)
In this edition:
News - Quality of life - Employment - Housing - Projects - Film Underwater Studio - Markets - Economy - Enterprise.