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Basildon For Business - Key Business And Economic Statistics

Statistical resources are available which focus specifically on Basildon as a place to live and do business.

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The value and importance of good statistical information should not be underestimated by businesses. Use the following links to access key Basildon related statistical information which is published online by NOMIS, The Centre for Cities and the Essex Employment and Skills Board.

Centre for Cities - Basildon Factsheet (opens new window) - an independent non-partisan think tank dedicated to understanding and improving UK city economies. Centre for Cities provide economic data on 63 key UK cities, of which Basildon is one, from population and jobs to housing and transport, in order to produce rigorous research that support better city policies and more successful urban economies.

Centre for Cities - Cities Outlook 2019 (opens new window) - an annual health check of the 63 largest cities in the UK, with a focus on the impact of increasing automation.

Essex Employment and Skills Board (ESB) (opens new window) - gives employers a platform to shape skills provision across Essex. By working with large employers, academic institutions, SMEs and local government, the ESB creates solutions to the skills challenges that industries face and helps provide opportunities for people to build long-term careers.

Essex Employment and Skills Board - Basildon; District Profile 2019 (opens new window) - Find out about all the skills and economy headlines and the employee and enterprise data of Basildon Borough.

NOMIS - Labour Market Profile - Basildon (opens new window) - information specifically for Basildon provided by the Office for National Statistics website, gives you free access to the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources.

For further information and enquiries