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Basildon For Business - Enterprise Europe Network Events

Business skills training for the international market, matchmaking opportunities, conferences on particular business sectors, brokerage events, company missions to EU countries.

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Button image showing Enterprise Europe Network branding - links to Enterprise Europe Network event listings
The Enterprise Europe Network organises high quality international business support events right across the UK and Europe. Whether you are looking for, or are already involved in, international business, then there will probably be more than one EEN event of interest taking place each month somewhere within easy reach of you. Many EEN events are free however, it is usual to charge a nominal registration fee.

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) organises:

  • training workshops e.g. entrepreneurial and negotiating skills for the international market
  • matchmaking opportunities
  • conferences about developments in a particular sector
  • brokerage events
  • company missions between two or more countries.

Search for Enterprise Europe Network events near you

Attending an Enterprise Europe Network event could be your first step to finding new international business opportunities or getting the key information or advice you need.

To search for Enterprise Europe Network events near you, as well as right across UK and Europe , see:

Further information and enquiries