Basildon For Business - HMRC "Get Your Tax Right", Business Start-up Guidance
Quick and easy to use advice on everything you need to know about tax when starting your own business or becoming self-employed.
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HMRC 'Starting your own Business' e-Learning Tool

HM Revenue & Customs provides a FREE e-learning tool that advises on the tax and National Insurance issues involved in starting your own business.
The package can be completed in bite-size pieces and covers subjects including:
- Starting in business
- Registering your self employment
- What records should I keep?
- What can I claim against my income?
- VAT registration
- Becoming an employer
Incorporated into the package are learning checks and videos as well as links to further advice on YouTube and the GOV.UK website.
To start the e-Learning tool, see HMRC "Starting Your Own Business" e-Learning tool (opens new window).
HMRC - Self-employed start-up guidance webinars
HMRC has produced a series of webinars designed especially for the newly self-employed.
Find out how to tell HMRC you are self-employed, what National Insurance you will have to pay, the importance and benefits to your business of good record keeping and how to budget for your first tax bill.
Other useful HMRC links for business starters
- HMRC - Self Assessment Ready Reckoner - how much money to set aside for Tax/National Insurance (opens new window)
- HMRC - Downloadable phone apps for record keeping (opens new window)
- YouTube - HMRC Guides for Customers (opens new window)
- @HMRCcustomers (opens new window)