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Business Rates - Charities, CASCs, Not For Profit Organisations and Schools Relief

A premises occupied by either: a registered charity, a registered Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC), a not for profit organisation or a school may be entitled to a reduction in Business Rates.

Mandatory Relief for registered charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASC)

Registered charities and community amateur sports clubs (CASC's) are entitled to 80% mandatory relief if the following conditions are met:

  • The organisation's premises is occupied by a registered charity or CASC
  • The organisation's premises must be wholly or mainly used for charitable or CASC purposes
  • The main objectives of the charity or CASC must be charitable, philanthropic or religious, or are concerned with education, social welfare, science, literature or the fine arts.

Mandatory Relief for schools

Mandatory relief of 80% is also available for educational establishments classed as:

  • Academies
  • Voluntary Aided Schools
  • Foundation and foundation special schools

Discretionary Relief for not for profit organisations

Discretionary relief may be awarded to:

  • Organisations which are entitled to 80% mandatory relief, (an additional award of Discretionary Relief may be made to cover the remaining 20% of the Business Rate charge.)
  • Not for profit organisations whose main objectives are charitable, religious, educational, social welfare, science, literature or the fine arts
  • Not for profit organisations occupying premises mainly for the purposes of recreation.

There is an overriding requirement that all decisions regarding the award of Discretionary Relief take into account the general interests of the Borough's Council Tax payers. Decisions on applications for Discretionary Relief will be made on an individual basis, and consideration as to the level of award given will be made after taking the following factors into account :

  • How the organisation's facilities directly benefit Basildon Borough
  • How the organisation's activities reduce the demand for Basildon Council to provide services
  • The financial resources available to the ratepayers.

This is not a prescriptive list and considerations will vary from one organisation to another.

    How to apply

    To apply for Mandatory and/or Discretionary Rate Relief please complete the following online form:

    PLEASE NOTE: You are not entitled to withhold payment of Business Rates pending the determination of any application you have made.

    Documents you must also send us in support of your application:

    • Either:
      • A copy of your charity registration certificate from the charity commissioners
      • A copy of your Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) certificate
      • A copy of documentation confirming your academy status or your voluntary aided school/foundation school status
    • A copy of the organisation's audited accounts and balance sheet for the last two years
    • Any other information, which you wish to submit  in support of your application  for example: copies of your constitution or rules of the organisation.

    Please send the supporting documents:

    You must inform us of any changes in the organisation's circumstances

    It is essential that you report any change in your organisation's circumstances from those declared on your application for Rate Relief, as soon as they occur. See contact details bottom of page.

    Annual review

    If your organisation is awarded mandatory or discretionary relief you will be sent a review form once a year asking to confirm that your organisation's circumstances have not changed since the award of Rate Relief was made. If you do not complete and return the review form then the relief will cease at the end of the financial year.

    Do not wait for your annual review form before declaring any change in circumstances as this could affect your entitlement.