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Hackney Carriage Complaint

If you have cause for complaint about a licensed driver or vehicle, please complete the form below which will be forwarded to the Licensing Office who will investigate the matter.

A passenger in a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle licensed by Basildon Borough Council can expect:-

  • that the vehicle will be clean, inside and out;
  • that the driver will be clean, courteous and helpful;
  • that the driver will not smoke or use his mobile phone whilst you are in the car;
  • that you will be taken to your destination by the most direct route;
  • that you will be driven safely and in accordance with the law.

A driver of a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle licensed by Basildon Borough Council can expect that their passenger:-

  • will be courteous;
  • will not damage the vehicle;
  • wear a seat belt and ensure that any children with them also wear seat belts;
  • will comply with the reasonable requests of the driver, particularly where they relate to the safety of the passenger;
  • will pay the metered fare at the end of the journey;
  • will not leave any property in the vehicle.