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Who's Taking You Home? - Taxi and Private Hire Safety

It is easy to take taxi and private hire car safety for granted but it is important that we check before we get into a vehicle we are hiring.

Image - Front cover of Basildon Council Taxi Safety leaflet - Who is taking you home tonight?
Sometimes, it is easy to take the safety of travel for granted. Whilst getting where we want to is at the top of our list, particularly during or after an evening out, it is important that we carefully check before we get into a vehicle we are hiring.

There are a number of simple checks that can be carried out to make sure that a vehicle is properly licensed. As the licensing authority, Basildon Council wants everyone travelling by taxi or private hire vehicle to have a safe journey, our licensed vehicles have to comply with a whole range of requirements which have safety in mind.

Our taxi and private hire safety leaflet - Who's taking you home tonight contains important advice and information on travelling safely in taxis and private hire vehicles licensed by Basildon Council:

Taxis (also known as 'hackney carriages')

In Basildon Borough, licensed taxis (also known as 'hackney carriages') are recognisable by their orange and white paintwork. We currently have a mixture of saloon and wheelchair accessible vehicles.

Taxis fares are set by Basildon Council.

All taxis must:

  • Display a council licence plate with a date of expiry
  • Have a taxi roof sign
  • Have a meter which has a maximum fare set by Basildon Council
  • Not start the fare meter before the journey starts
  • Display a fare tariff card

When using a taxi remember:

  • Only use designated taxi ranks, or hail a taxi when roof lights are lit up
  • Check the taxi has a council plate on the back
  • Check the driver is wearing his / her council licence photo badge
  • Always ensure you have sufficient funds to pay for your safety
  • Make sure that the vehicle is displaying rear licence plate and door stickers before you get in - if you can't see any - don't get in!

Private Hire Vehicles

In Basildon Borough licensed private hire vehicles can be a car or people carrier of any colour.

Private hire vehicle fares are NOT set by Basildon Council.

All private hire vehicles:

  • Must be booked through a licensed operator in advance of your journey
  • Must display front and rear council private hire plates and door stickers

When using a private hire vehicle remember:

  • Always pre-book your journey through a licensed operator
  • Agree a fare at the time of booking the journey
  • Make sure that the vehicle is displaying rear licence plates and door stickers before you get in. if you can't see any don't get in
  • Check that the driver is wearing his / her Basildon Council licence photo badge
  • Never get into a private hire vehicle which you have not pre-booked or try to flag down a private hire vehicle. This is illegal and can invalidate the vehicle insurance
  • When your booked cab arrives, make sure the driver can confirm your name and where you are going, before you get into the vehicle
  • Always ensure you have sufficient funds to pay for your journey.

Contact your Taxi Licensing Team