Open Data - Parking Revenues and Controlled Spaces

Details of number of parking spaces and revenue collected.

Financial Year: 2017/18

Number of Parking Spaces: 831

Basildon Council car park income and expenditure for financial year 2017/18

Car park income2017/18
Pay and Display Revenues£337907.61
Season Tickets/PCN Income£215171.45
Miscellaneous Income£11358.00
Total Income£564437.06


Car park expenditure2017/18
Business Rates£68273.45
Ground Rent£625.00
Maintenance, Repairs, SLA costs and Cleansing£103233.00
Electricity / Amenity£13477.00
Public Liability Insurance£,400.00
Accommodation / Support Costs   £33566.67
Total Expenditure£220575.12


Car park surplus2017/18


Expenditure is not directly costed, but is used as a likely proportion of the resources used.

Costs do not include managerial and administrative time used on the service which cannot be easily attributed.

The surplus identified above is used to fund the remainder of Basildon Council's street scene enforcement service, which covers abandoned vehicles, fly tipping, littering, dog fouling, etc.